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Impulse III snork

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Carp Whisperer
Jul 27, 2004
Awhile back someone was asking about these - so I thought I'd post a review.

I've used an Impulse 2 for quite some time. The primary feature I like about it is the diameter of the barrel - there is almost no resistance to breathing. I have some smaller, more streamlined snorkels - such as the Omer Zoom and Riffe Stable. The Riffe is also quite good - but you can feel resistance in both of these. The Omer is quite low profile - but it comes at the cost of breathing diameter. The Riffe is probably the best compromize of low-profile and self clearing.

Obviously the impulse snorks are pretty bulky. I took the Impulse 3 out today for the first time. It is lower profile in the forward dimension, with improved space under the upper drain valve - it tapers now - and also does not allow water to directly impact the soft valve - which could possibly cause it to fold up over the vents it covers - though I havent' had this happen. Another nice thing about the change in the upper valve is it no longer captures my floatline - which can be crazy making.

While I was out today a strong north wind kicked up and, combined with boat wakes and reflection off the breakwall , made for the kind of abrupt chop that allways sends water down any snorkel. Like the impulse 2 the 3 is pretty much immune to that - which is the other thing I like about it. It is a great snork for relaxed breathe-ups because it is very rare that water breaks the rythm of your breathe-up.

I've heard others complain about the bulk of these snorkels - for me it has not been an issue - but I generally am either motionless, or swimming in such a way as to blend as much as possible with the environment. The Impulse 3 is definitely lower drag than the Impulse 2 - it retains the same ease of breathing and ability to shed water - making for very nice, uninterrupted breath ups. I like to be able to take my time and slow my breathing way down; relaxing deeply - and a sudden gak of water can really throw the whole thing off.


The Impulse 3 retains the same ease of breathing, is more streamlined and the upper valve is better protected. The upper valve is flattened in the front/back dimension, and the wide flat area has been eliminated. It's a solid improvement with no negatives if you are into these kinds of snorkels.
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I'm not sure what the Impulse 3 looks like, but I have a new perspective on snorkels after my last dive trip. A friend was using some snorkel with a large hook on the top and shot a white sea bass which hung up in the kelp. He went down to sort it out, and on the way up the mono shooting line hung up on the top of his snorkel. He knew he was being held down, but couldn't figure out how. He dropped his weight belt and of course that didn't help. He came very close to drowning before the top of his snorkle broke off and let him get to the surface.

I only mention this for consideration because I think I recall the older Impulse snorkels having a large thing on the top end. I guess there is a pretty slim chance that something like that could happen, but it was almost 100% for him.

Here is a photo of the fish that almost got him.


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I've had my floatline get caught between my head and that big flange thingy - not life threatening - but incredibly irritating when you find your head getting yanked to one side as you try to get a picture. A rare occurance but hissy fits definitely cut into breathholds.

Here are some shots of the two snorks.
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