Ive discovered apnea due to surfing bigger waves and my need to stay calm during long hold downs in big surf .
At first i found the Wim Hof breathing which i loved , for meditation reasons, but soon discovered it was lowering my CO2 tolerance, so quit. I then got the stamina app with a goal of increasing tolerance to CO2. Ive read here that the stamina app alone is not a way to increase freediving skills and totally understand that.
My first question is : is it possible to incorporate the W.Hof relaxation breathing whilst increasing my CO2 tolerance with the tables of Stamina, i think not. ? If not are there any specific relaxation methods to prepare for long periods under water ?
My second question is re static apnea training. I have a pool and have tried a couple of goes(with my wife as a buddy) but my breath hold is nothing like as long as when on dry land. Im super keen to get more time in the pool but feel i might be doing something wrong.
Big thanks in advance for patience with a beginer and any knowledge shared .
At first i found the Wim Hof breathing which i loved , for meditation reasons, but soon discovered it was lowering my CO2 tolerance, so quit. I then got the stamina app with a goal of increasing tolerance to CO2. Ive read here that the stamina app alone is not a way to increase freediving skills and totally understand that.
My first question is : is it possible to incorporate the W.Hof relaxation breathing whilst increasing my CO2 tolerance with the tables of Stamina, i think not. ? If not are there any specific relaxation methods to prepare for long periods under water ?
My second question is re static apnea training. I have a pool and have tried a couple of goes(with my wife as a buddy) but my breath hold is nothing like as long as when on dry land. Im super keen to get more time in the pool but feel i might be doing something wrong.
Big thanks in advance for patience with a beginer and any knowledge shared .