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Inflatable Kayak “Mounting” Difficult? Impossible?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Active Member
Jun 17, 2020
How difficult would it be to get in and out of one of these? (Intex excursion pro)

I think there’s a big difference between it taking ten minutes to get in, and it just being “difficult”. If you took your fins off and got situated before getting in from the water, it seems doable. Again, big difference to me between something being almost impossible (ie taking over ten minutes) and just difficult.

Any of you have experience actually trying? It is so difficult to try out gear when you live overseas, was hoping to get some feedback. I have read the threads n the topic here and realize they aren’t ideal in wind etc. I’m not interested in the higher end models. That’s part of it for me this thing is so cheap it seems worth it to give it a shot… I would just be disappointed if it was literally almost impossible to get in and out.

Amazon product ASIN B08CY8S88T


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