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Info on Triggers (Fish not Guns)

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Oldsarge, where do you stand on "trophy" hunting? Any rhino heads on your wall?
I'll come clean. In terms of underwater hunting I once shot an electric ray (inedible) just to take a trophy shot. Shame!
In my defence I've not repeated that in the 40 years since.
One of the things you have to keep in mind is that in a protein-starved world, nothing will go to waste. The biggest and baddest things I ever have hunted are Cape buffalo, one of which nearly turned the tables on me. Let me assure everyone that those great big cowsie-wowsies are delicious and the villagers for miles around know it. When we take a large animal and pull out the backstraps the locals are keeping an eye on the sky and when they see the vultures begin to gather they hotfoot it over and get quite competative over the meat. I have a slightly deranged friend (or possibly had, I haven't seen Neal in a long time and his health wasn't the greatest) who shot an elephant. Now elephant meat, though reputed to be tasty, has all the succulence of a truck tire. Yet, because the locals hadn't had any meat since February and this was in June, they turned an entire bull pachyderm into nothing but a few huge bones and a red stain on the ground in six hours flat!!!. Neal got the tusks and the trunk because they assured him that it was the choicest part and he deserved it. "Not bad" was his opine.

Mine is that "trophy hunting" is a red herring. The trophy is the mnemonic device that allows the hunt to be repeated in the mind for life. No one, and I repeat no one I know shoots something and lets it rot after taking the head or whatever part is considered best. It's illegal all over North America and, at least in the parts I've hunted, impossible in Africa. People are just too hungry. Besides, you can make gumbo out of anything . . .
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Old Man Dave said:
... Angling publications seem to indicate they’re common on the south coast of England – Chesil Beach region? “...
Came across this webpage on Trigger fish at Chesil: http://www.portlandbill.co.uk/fishing/chesil_cove.htm
...while looking for a picture of a Trigger Fish. Exotic looking (Trigger fish, not Chesil!). A scuba pal mentions seeing them from time to time along the south coast.
Have speared triggas in Dorset. These were free swimming, slow and inquisitive...ideal for spearing! We ate ours by filleting and cooking on the barby, skin side down, until the flesh turned white. I love the taste, quite buttery...

Willi has had them in Cornwall, cooked the same yum way, plain as you can get (besides sushi:yack )!!!

Haven't met any man eaters yet but thanks all for the warning.
Was in Cornwall at the weekend and a guy got out the water with two trigger fish that he had shot off the rocks at kennack sands, didnt realise that they were good to eat. Was chased by a 'big' trigger in the Maldives last year, was trying to bite my feet, took an age to get away from him as i was thrashing around trying to stop him getting his teeth into my big toe! argh!
I have speared a couple of them, the taste is good :t but, at least over here, (Gibrlatar), they are to easy to catch:naughty .
I do not see them a lot, but if I do they just stay where they are, just aim and that was that.

By the way, I am in Ibiza now, will post some pics next week...amazing place to go spear fishing...almost everyday:t

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