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injury when loading m Picasso gun

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New Member
Jun 30, 2004
I bought a new Picasso century 110cm gun.I spearfish in water that has a tempreture of 32 degree( no need to wear a wet suit).Yesterday I loaded the gun in water 6 times and guess what my chest is full of brouses.Could anybody tell me how can I avoid this happening to me?
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If you dont want to wear a wetsuit, try a lycra suit with a loading pad (or a mouse mat shoved inside it) or you could stitch a mouse mat inside an old T-shirt :)
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Alternativly you can connect some cushioning (loading patch / neopren / mousepad / dead fish:)) to the part of the gun that leans on your chest.
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try loading on your hip bone... I have the same problem next door to you in Qatar- water is 27-29 and a chestful of bruises... Hip will work if you if the mousepad doesn't

Warm here to and i dont wear a wet suit.I load my gun on my chest. But i just suck it up an go on.(dont miss) less reloads;)

I have never used a mouse pad myself (but heard of it). With waters here around 82F/28C, I wear a lycra suit to protect only against the jellyfish which left for the most past about 10 days ago.

While sucking it up and loading on the chest works, my wife (who patiently tolerates my disappearance to spear and dive at least FIVE times each week/weekend) does not like a black and blue chest. As a result of this, I load on the hip bone. If you keep it from slipping it leaves little to no bruising.

Chest loading is SO much easier though!

Originally posted by Tommy Engfors
Umm... are you guys serious about the mousepad?
So Ive been told yes, I dont use one myself, being female I have issues other than bruising against my ribs (OUCH). I cant load from my hip, I just dont have the strength, so I use a rolled up rag wedged between my boobs under my suit.
yes mouse pad really works. I have one and i used it too much never had any problem. Offers great protection and comfort. I stich it inside the t-shirt to the stomach area, hard side out soft side in..
the mousepad works wonders. other than that hip loading is also a good alternative but you should realy make sure that you know what you are doing or your nads are not going to like it--you learn through experience :D )
The mousepad idea is simply fantastic!
Karma heading your way Alison!

When I was younger and I didn't have a wetsuit I had the same problem. I started when I was around 10 and I still have these strange bumps on my chestbone. I guess my bones weren't really developed back then and the constant loading of the speargun caused that... Mice were only available in their pest form and they came without a pad back then..
What I started to use when my chest got really bruised and constantly sore was an old shoe sole or beach sandal (dunno how you call them in English). First I was just carrying it stuck in my trunks while swimming, but after losing few of those and when collection of old sandals was almost depleted, I stitched a strap to it made out of one of my bicycle's flat old tires.

I guess a 10-year old walking around with a speargun and a shoe sole strapped to his chest is a bit disturbing picture, but it worked fine for me... And it wasn't as disturbing as the same 10-years old with fish tails sticking out of his trunks. I didn't really knew how to make a fish stringer back then... The practice of carrying the fish in my trunks was immediately abandoned after an incident involving a gobby brought back to life by the surf. But I'd refrain from sharing the details here...


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Seriously now...

I have always found hip loading of a rear handle Euro gun a bit dangerous. Especially for the shorter ones. I've already shared my opinion about that somewhere around here. Wishbones cut like a knife and I have scars on both my hands proving that. Hip loading may relocate those scars to other body parts. And I wouldn't like it if people start calling me like this emperor of Byzantium - Justinian The Noseless.

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I wonder, what would people say if they so me getting in to the water with a mouse strapped to my chest.

BTW, How many mice does it takes to make a good pad ?

rofl ................... rofl ................... rofl
Okay Roy,

Can't really answer this question... :)

In SouthEast Europe men are can be farmed as fur bearing animals... A mouse strapped to the chest may even pass unnoticed...
Believe me, I've seen guys here who can raise whole generations of mice on different parts of their bodies without attracting the attention of the pest control authorities.

Now that was not a constructive post...
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To avoid bruises on my chest I often stomach load, or using your weight belt buckle for a loading pad also works.
yeah but if you load with your stomach after a good long spearing session the next day you are going to have the sorest abs ever...
Maybe, I guess. The only time mine get sore is if I really blast them in a workout. Some easy 15-minutes-in-the-evening routines are sit-ups, crunches, leg-lifts and hanging-curls, hang from a bar and try to touch your knees to your chest. Don't start out trying to do so many your too sore to do the next days workout and it's not necessary to do more than one excercise in a days session. Just some of these today and some of those tomorrow. Do them in sets of 5-8, do a few, rest a minute, do a few, rest a minute, etc. When it starts to burn it's time to back off. In a few days when that excercise rolls around again try to do a few more. Really blasting the abs in the first couple of weeks is not only unnecessary it's also detrimental, because then you won't want to do them anymore. Just put on some music and approach it with a relaxed attitude.:)

This routine isn't going to make anybody Mr. Olympia. That's not what it's for. But, it will make cocking a speargun easier. You could also throw in a few pull-ups and push-ups, if you feel like it.:)

If you've already got a routine that's working for you then just ignore this.
Originally posted by roy_nexus_6
got a negative karma for my "mouse pad strapped to the chest" joke ... with the comment;
"You really are a prick!" ... and it wasn't even signed .... as usual, the politically correct crowd needs to get a life ... rofl

...and spineless as usual.
Have some good karma from me.
Erik Y.
Loading pad

I got a RA loading pad for a FL tip last June and it works great for no wetsuit gun loading. It has straps that go around your neck and around your chest with quick releases on them. The pad rests on your chest.
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