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Is holding your breath bad for you in any way?

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Ethan humphries

New Member
Oct 16, 2012
I'm 14 and really like freediving,but today after setting my new pb breath hold of 2:02 i didn't feel very good and was kind of shaky,and I'm wondering if its bad for me to hold my breath:(
Holding your breath too long is really only bad if it causes you to black out in the water. Then it could be fatal.
Feeling shaky or dizzy after holding your breath is a sign that you were pushing your limits.
Ok if you're sitting in your chair watching TV. But never practice that alone....even in 2- 3 feet of water in a pool.
Make sure you are hydrated! After a training session you could get a little dizzy and headachy, but not so much if you're hydrating before and after work outs.

That's just my experience though.
... But never practice that alone....even in 2- 3 feet of water in a pool.
... and not even in a bathtub! In fact there are many times more people who die drowned in a bathtub than those who die during an organized freediving training or at competitions/record attempts. According to statistics there are around 4,000 people a year who drown in their bathtub, in comparison to ~1 fatal accident a year in competitive freediving. Death rates of recreational snorkellers, freedivers, and spearfishers are much higher, especially because they often dive alone (several hundreds of victims per year), but still nowhere close to the bathtub mortality.
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