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Is that samba???

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Jun 22, 2003
Just now, I was doing apnea walk at my home, so after I start walkin afet 10m i start all shaking, I couldn't control it (I eaven hit the wall with my head :) ). I didnt blacked out and I kept standing and it past after few seconds - so was that samba or what???
And what could be the rason for that??

It sounds like a samba to me!
Did you hyperventilate or pack before starting? (These things can sometimes cause problems)
How many apnea walks did you do, and how long is your normal distance?

I never hyperventilate....and don't do any packing on apnea walk...but i really filled my lungs before that...
I walk 60m. That was the 3th apnea walk time today...
Perhaps the reason could be that I spent one week in hospital without any training-i quit in staurday and today started with my training (i can't dive for at least one week)-is it too fast?
Did you fill your lungs while sitting or lying down and then suddenly stand?
The distance doesn't seem to be the problem. Maybe you were a bit weak after being in hospital, and the sudden change in blood pressure caused by standing while holding your breath caused the problem.
I prepare for walk sitting but last few breathups are done standing up and the samba occures after 10m....taoday i heaven't tried...will try it in about 4 hours...
thanx for help!
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