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Is there any way to remove scratches/abrasions from a lense?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Hawaiian transplant...
Sep 9, 2002
I was testing my macro(5050) out on my home aquarium & to my great disappoint, I found that the lense wasn't as recessed as I previously thought & now there's an abrasion spot in the very center of my lense!!!!!!! I guess the lense rubbed against the aquarium glass or acrylic.


Is there any way to fix it?
Hi Fuzz,

Jewelers have very fine abrasive polishes and polishers. I used to get my watch crystal polished after beating it up diving. Small stuff disappeared entirely and even deep scratches became unnoticable. I don't know for certain if this would work on something as precise as a camera lense, but seens like it should, especially one that will be used underwater.

Good luck
It's really not that bad - just a fine abrasion circle on the coating of glass - I'm just really anal & convinced it'll affect something....

Thanks for your advice - I'll look into it.

I have had this scratch in one of my lenses for a few years now and you don't notice a thing once you get underwater as the scratch fills in with water- thank God!:D

THe same isn't true if the scratch is on the inside of a housing, but for the outside you have some leeway.

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Unfortunately this characteristic of the Oly 5050 has been discussed by photogs on other boards. Don't press your lens up against aquarium glass or a window! The lens does protrude slightly from the front of the barrel when the camera's turned on.

A good camera repair shop can probably advise on whether it can be polished out or whether it would be better to get a replacement element from Oly. Jon is right that scratches on a surface that contact water will become invisible, but given that this is against dry air inside the housing I suspect there may be an impact (albeit slight) on the image if the scratch is significant enough.
I don't know if this will help, Fuzz. But I stumbled into it on eBay, and thought you'd at least like to take a look.


It ends in about an hour though...

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