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Is This a realistic goal???

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Sep 20, 2007
Hey there.

As I've stated in my other post (New Zealand Newbie) I'm totally green to the world of freediving and spearfishing. I've decided to set my goal as follows:

The terrain that my Dad, my Girlfreind, and all their freinds scuba dive on, ranges in depth from 10 - 25m.

My goal is to get myself to an ability level so as to be able to get down there beside one of the scuba divers, tap them on the shoulder, smile, flick said scuba diver "the bird" (in the most freindly, "this is how real diving is done" kinda way), swim off & shoot a monster sized Terakihi, then return to the surface.

I hope to be able to achieve my goal by this summer holidays.

So far after 1 week of swimming almost every night, I'm able to swim under water a little over 1.5 lengths of an olympic sized pool on a single breath. This is done without fins and suffering all the drag my boardies create.

I can repeat this around 3 or four times before starting to feel totally stuffed.

To swim a length and a half takes me approx 1min 15sec and if I push myself i can hold my breath a bit longer til 1:30.

Question 1
Is my goal above remotely achievable? as I wouldn't have any idea.

Question 2
What are some training tips that would help me achieve my goal?

Question 3
What distance should I be swimming per nite (when I get my new Picasso fins) to get my endurance up? (I go swimming six days a week)

Thanks for the replies in advance, and please note I'm not going to just try to achieve my goal without any proper training. I've put my name down for a couple of courses coming up in the next month or so, & I have upmost respect for the sea as it's nearly got me once before.
To swim a length and a half takes me approx 1min 15sec and if I push myself i can hold my breath a bit longer til 1:30.
DON'T do this unless you have a very good buddy spotting you. Don't do it.

Question 1
Is my goal above remotely achievable? as I wouldn't have any idea.
Yes: can you equalize on scuba OK? Well, this is a bit harder. EQ will probably limit your depth past 15M

Question 2
What are some training tips that would help me achieve my goal?
Read here, join club, get Umberto Pelizzari Manual of Freediving book. [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umberto_Pelizzari"]Umberto Pelizzari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame], take a course.

Question 3
What distance should I be swimming per nite (when I get my new Picasso fins) to get my endurance up? (I go swimming six days a week)
The ocean changes any pool based training into a different dimension. Get in the ocean every weekend, with a a buddy.

Good luck and safe dives
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I highly recommend proper training. With proper training you will be able to achieve your goal faster and with less chances of killing yourself in the process.

Here are a few links to start with:

<< Aharon & MT Solomons>> FREEDIVERS
Performance Freediving | home |
DiveFIT - freediving, monofin, breath hold, spearfishing, snorkeling

Never practice apnea in the pool or open water, alone. If you black out without trained buddy by your side you will die. It is that simple.

Be safe and best of luck.
Cheers for the replies,

To update I'm booked with deposit paid for the No Bubbles freediving course in Wellington November 10-11. (I'm already excited and I only booked my spot last nite, not to mention the course is over a month away)

Also there's a speaker coming over to Blenheim early November to talk about freediving, with the group going for a dive the next morning. I plan to be attending that also. in the words of Johnny 5 "INPUT NEED MORE INPUT"

I also will take on board your safety concerns hopefully I can convince one of my school mates to come swimming with me in the evenings.

Once again thanks for your posts and keep 'em coming.
I really have no idea. I've suspect that it may be one of the tutors from the No Bubbles course in Welly as the two events are within a few days of each other.
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