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Is UK 2005 season over?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
Just back from a trip to France, no diving sadly, and am keen to get wet again in the south-west.

Is there anywhere around the south coast/south-west peninsular that retains usable visibility during or shortly after a storm? I checked out my local spot in Torquay yesterday, the water was nice and flat, being in a sheltered bay and all, but didn't even bother getting in when I saw the colour of the water.

Local fishing reports tell of larger pollack and more flatties being caught recently so I'm just hoping the winds hold for a bit to let the water clear.

Is anyone getting any dive time or fish at the moment?
Hope not !!! But the wind and swell are not helping matters here in Dorset.Everytime i think about going the wind picks up and the vis goes with it :waterwork The water is still warm and i have fond memories of spearing in november during my youth.
I've shot bass in december, but it all depends on getting some calm weather to let the viz clear a bit. Some years my last dive ends up being in september!
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