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Isle of man spearing

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Active Member
May 22, 2009
Going on holiday for a week soon self catering, and was going to take the diving gear with me. Just after any info at all if any one has any.

tar karl
I think Pastor has dived there, saw a basking shark I seem to remember?
Yep take your gear, we went a few years ago and had a great time. Draw a line from Douglas across to Peel and anywhere south of that should be good. Lots of Bass and loads of scallops/queenies. Langness, Castletown, Port St Mary all have some good spots, check them out on google maps. Port Erin is great for a bit of aquatic sight seeing and worth a trip
Yes we took a boat trip to see them, one was about 9m, absoloutely huge. You know that they are big but nothing really prepares you for just how big they are. June, July is the best time for them, loads of info on the net
My belief too. Spearing as far as I know is banned on the Isle of Man.

Why not just check, by giving their fisheries department a call.
