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It's A Contest !!!!!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

icarus pacific

Nov 7, 2001
OK, so it's Winter here, the ocean hasn't been flat for months, and I'm going nuts! I know, I'll go do laps in the neighbor's pool...

Here's the deal: Post a caption to my photo here and an impartial panel of three judges, (my kids) will vote for the winner. The winner gets a T shirt from PhatDive! I won't spend $30 for one for me, but will for you...whatta guy !

The contest will run until February 28, 2002 so enter early and often. So let's get after it !!

sven :D

Admin Note: The PhD Premium Tee can be seen on Phatdive and is priced at 21.99 USD
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"..and here's me at the SETT training tank in England.....really"

;) Erik Y.
cool black freediving fins: $120
5mm camo picasso wetsuit: $400
suunto mosquito for your partner to time your static: $250

ability to make a sven-sicle by not fixing your neighbor's pool heater: priceless!

:D anderson
"Maw! Paw dropped his speargun in the pool again!"


(with utter respect to all spearos out there. Please don't flame!:eek: )
"I just can't understand why I can't find a Freediving Buddy around here!"


" I know I left my bathing suit around here last night"
sven for the gold!

"folks, with this performance, i don't see why the other teams would even get in the water?"

Back off I'm diving.

"Look ma, no hands!"

"Now where'd I leave that weightbelt?"

"Hey! I can't see my house from here!"

Hee hee hee hee. Last one ...

"Here kitty kitty kitty ...."
how about this...

"well they said 'diving'!!!
I didn't know they ment jumping off a tower..."
A rare photo of "Big Fin" trying to hide in the neighbours pool.Know to be a water relative of "Big Foot"

"Frog-Zilla strikes at the local kiddies pool again"

Hey! you guys said this was the HMS Dolphin Tank!

Boldly go where no "Man" has gone before!

Hey kids how about you just give "ol" DSV the shirt. I don't have a shirt like that one. ;)

"What is your daddy doing?"
"His been like that ever since mom told him to do what ever he likes with his freetime"
2nd try

Hey Sven.....Can I try again?

"Without the contact lenses, I can't even tell which ocean it is"


Absolutely! Enter as often as you wish. Mo entries, mo betta chances to win.

After a record breaking 45 minute static attempt, rigormortis finally sets in!

"He's legs up on the competition"

"To the bottom in a half second splat"

"Who needs the dolphin, when I have the minnow"

"Pool gives birth to freediver"

"Help! Somebody flip this darn pool over so I can get out"
DeeperBlue.com - The Worlds Largest Community Dedicated To Freediving, Scuba Diving and Spearfishing


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