By using the word brave, I am not endorsing said activities. Nor am I comparing my exploits to his potential one. Lots of people have their own ideas about what is proper and what isn't. In the eyes of my SCUBA brother, liquid goggles / pipe-mask are pointless and a complete waste of time. Add the potential dangers of rupturing one's ear drums through poor soft pallate control, and you have one of those circumstances that inspire people to say "What is wrong with you, are you retarted?" But people dive with liquid goggles / pipe-masks. Amoung the right community, it is an acceptable pattern. Amoung the wrong community, it is reckless and without benefit. If LiquidRush wants to go try something out, then by all means he should do it. If he does, as you say, give into temptation, an consequentally hurt himself, then yeah, I guess he was pretty stupid. He should have been brave enough to say no because he had no business doing it in the first place. If he goes and does it, and enjoys it, and finds it rewarding, then maybe he is on to something and just talking to the wrong people about it. Maybe he could continue to develop the idea and start a new trend and he might find a community of likeminded people that didn't act so indignant about a reasonable question.
BTW, my original post was given in the tone of sarcastic and intended to be an announcement of LiquidRush's potential stupidity, but since you went and took it completely the opposite way, you made me think about things.