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Jacques Mayol's Birthday!!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Grand Marshal
Dec 19, 2001
I will just remind you all that the legend himself, Jacques :king Mayol should be 78 years today... the first of April. Mr. Mayol did 11 world record totally, and was the first man to reach -100m, 23th of November, 1976. And he is also the oldest record setter ever... 56 year's and 202 day's, 105m in No Limit, 19th of okt, 1983.(Elba, Italy)

Take a moment... and think about this pioneer today.

Bill Stromberg
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In the summer of 2004 I was on the isle of Elba (Italy)...
To honor him, local divers installed an underwater monument near his house "villa glaucos" and a also one above water in Capoliveri (next city).

He was definitly one of the real freedivers...

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I like the anchor statue. I've got to go see that for myself.
@ sinkweight: Just send me an short email if you want more infos.

Sad, not even 5 posts in a thread that is about the man who first reached -100m. :rcard

I don't think the lack of posts reflects a lack of respect! It is just difficult to pen words that are fitting and worthy about Jacques.

I wish I had the opportunity to meet him and I wish that he was still around.

Has somebody watched this Japanese DVD?
Has it subtitles/audio in English?

[ame="http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00006963E/ref=pd_ecs_d_b_a/249-1503151-7866763"]Amazon.co.jp: ジャック・マイヨールの海と夢 [DVD]: ジャック・マイヨール: DVD[/ame]

It seems to be interesting.



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All we got to do is keep on spreading the words and work of the one's who bulldozed a new way of livin' the sea. They were the true ones. People who live and love the sea.
My third son was born two days ago, a fine pair of lungs on him, if I have my way he'll be called Jack in honour of two of my fave Jacques: Mayol and Cousteau. I just have to convince the wife...
A true pioneer, many thanks to Jacques.
Congrats Simon on the new arrival.
Thanks to people like Jacque freediving is the style of my life.. he made it not only sport but most of all the connection with the Big Blue...and this is what i search in my dives..
Jacque..thank you for who you were..and for who you will be in our mind...
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