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Jelly Fish stings

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no comment..ok i guess that was a comment.. but.. yeah, i wouldn't want urea on my face.. i mostly get stung on my hands.. hehe.. that's too funny.
I got seriously jellied at the weekend - A Lions Mane decided to wrap itself around my face..... the boat skipper poured vinegar all over it (most of it went up my nose) but I found the best thing to be a mild cortisone cream I had with me for other allergies.. it had "do not use on the face" written all over it but it doesn't seem to have done any harm

got some great photos of the jelly before it got me though!



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Nasty buggers rofl
I can sympathise, Ive had a few this summer on my face, I think the tenticles or whatever they are called can get caught up on the gun and you cant really see them unless you're looking for them, net result = OUCH £$%@#~!!!!!!!!!!!!! but it usually goes for me after about 10 minutes.
careful with jellies... The venom seems to be responsible for strong allergic reactions that can get worse over time. For me, having worked about corals quite a lot (same kind of venom), I am now highly allergic to jellyfish venom, fire corals and even hydrozoans. Tachycardia, dizziness, nausea, difficulty to breathe, the lot... Some feedback from other coral scientist collegues showed that this is quite common for people having repeated contact with Cnidarian venom.
Greasy stuff like vaseline on the exposed areas of the skin while diving is what I'm using, but the trick with the nylon stockings sounds like worth a try!
island_sands said:
hey i wrote an article on this once...

(referring to Portuguese Man o' War jellyfish)

omg the lovely pmow!!! we get the in the summers at home while lifeguardin..early summer they are EVERYWHERE...we've had days where we just set up chairs and people line up waitin to get treated.

their tentacles are a bitch to when peeps get stung and panic..get them wrapped all over the place.. ive found you can actually pick them off with your fingers since the skin is thicker, but dont be rubbin or scrathing (OR RUBBING YOUR EYE) til youve cleaned your hands..i learned that the hard way!!!
Although indirect contact is more of an annoyin as hell itch than the typical burning they give you.

best treatment we have(after convincing people they arent gonna die) is hot compreses, or towels with hot water...totally make it feel like nothing!!!! we used to use vinegar and bakinsoda/meat tenderizer paste, but now its just hydrocortisone cream... i liked the other stuff better cause it took longer to apply so you could mentally convince them it was actually doing something..lol

ps. just had to mention the time a tourist came up to us with his hands stingin..askin us why someone would put something int hte water that was soo pretty yet hurt so bad.. apparently he tried to just pick it up from underneath...ouch

devil animals!!
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OMERSUB.COM do a special jellyfish hood that is made from lycra in a camo. design. (page 21 of their pdf catalogue for 2013) It fits around the mask and around the snorkel forming a barrier against the stings.

Spetton do a separate winter hood in thin neoprene designed to be worn under your suit's hood which reduces the amount of exposed skin.

In Scottish waters there are lots of jellies in the summer, fortunately I always wear gloves because of the cold so that prevents a lot of stings. You can get thin neoprene dive gloves that will seal onto the cuffs of your suit for warmer waters - only drawback is that they are less durable and wear out faster. It might be possible to find cheap industrial or gardening gloves that would provide adequate protection.
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