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Jennifer Lawrence To Star As Audrey Mestre In “The Dive”

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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I look forward to the movie ACTUALLY being released... let alone with J-Law as the leading lady!!!
Considering that the story is not fully clear, I doubt that a holywood movie will actually be able to have a balanced view on the different aspects. So I personally wouldn't be too sad if that movie never comes into existence. There are other stories in freediving to tell and people like Julie and Guillaume are doing a great job with that.
It'll be interesting to see what happens. Hollywood doing a movie on a relatively unknown sport or concept provides a huge amount of focus on it and often lots of people interested in taking it up (which in turn helps drive money into the freediving economy by helping instructors and agencies earn more and then hence invest in the sport more) however it also is likely to cause issues with a lot of armchair enthusiasts increasing and potential hassle generally for the sport.

As for which story is used as the basis of the film - we don't know which one is the "truth" when it comes to the story so in some respects it doesn't matter - however be sure that whatever it is it will be "hollywood-ified" and the story stretched to make it more interesting to a general audience.
I'd say most informed people agree on which account of this tragedy is the more likely. And that version is very difficult to make into three-dollars-out-of-one popcorn entertainment without being grossly hypocritical. Except perhaps an angle similar to "Foxcatcher".
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