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Jersey 2008.

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Silver Smoker
Dec 31, 2005
I thought I would start a new thread for you guys so you dont need to post on your 2007 thread - http://forums.deeperblue.net/trip-reports/71629-jersey-2007-spearfishing.html.
I know there are only a few of you who post but I have a feeling this might change soon.
Here are a few links for anyone new to the forum.
http://forums.deeperblue.net/guernsey/75314-guernsey-2008-a.html Here you can find all you need to know about spearfishing in your sister Island.
http://forums.deeperblue.net/guernsey/74223-holiday-guernsey-2008-a.html That is if you want to visit Guernsey!
http://forums.deeperblue.net/guernsey/76627-competition-fish-month-channel-islands.html#post697575 In case you catch a big one!
cheers weeto.. l`ll be down the gutters this year in sac`s barge.... if and when it`s ready....
So do you guys get in the water all year round? What can you catch in the winter & what about seals, do you ever see any?
Hi Loops thought I'd post over here and add my encouragement to all you crappo's.

Actually my daughter and grandson are visiting your foreign shore this weekend so as to see the zoo. Not sure if you have polar bears there but probably every other animal will be tucked up out of sight. Rubbish weather or what?

Speaking of weather it's been rubbish vis this winter following some of the worse summer vis for many, many years. You were asking on the Guernsey thread whether anyone had been. I've only managed 2 dives this year (2008) so far despite looking to go almost daily.



Looking forwatd to meeting you this summer.

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Reactions: foxfish
Hi OMD, they have picked a great wkend to visit my lovely island....theres a few of us who normally dive all year round, but sadly l snapped my achilles 9weeks ago and l`m just walking without crutches.. l`m hoping to start work in a couple of weeks and start spearfishing in may.. yeah l can`t wait for the summer trip to Gsy...
Hey chaps

No sign of me diving just yet but looking forward to another good summer's fishing.

Andy - how did you do the achilles, sounds painful!

playing volleyball...which l`m not allowed to play anymore, so l`ll have to do more spearfishing instead..wanny you going to do any comps this year or are you going to do neil`s stuff???
Hi Andy

Don't normally get in the water till may at the earliest. Just wait till sacs starts to see a some fish. Been up to alderney for the weekend for a fishing comp. Needless to say most of the time was spent in the pub. The jersey boys still came back with the tropheys though! Even up there it was really hard work to catch anything at all. Can't help thinking all the storms we've had haven't helped. May have stired it up for the bass but it'll take a while for the vis to clear. When we all going out for a beer?

Loops - I'll have to see how the summer pans out. We just had a little girl in December so too many long sessions may be difficult. I'll keep an eye out for when the dates appear on your site though.

hopefully I can get in my share of quick dives.
Congratulations on the arrival of your daughter... Hopefully the dive dates will go up soon and our social meal....
So thats where you have been hiding weeto... Hopefully once the viz clears we`ll take one of the boats out and dive for some big bass, normally start in mike`s favourite spot then either move west or east... Cruicky is organising the social meal etc... hopefully april/may....
Hi Dave, do I remember right, were you just getting into spearfishing last year?
How did you get on?
hi foxfish how`s it going... how`s the viz up your way? no-ones got in over here yet
Shocking mate! No vis at all!! Only Jonny has caught anything, he speared a few flatfish & a bass in the night time.. Nobody is going in at the moment.