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Jersey - Channel Islands

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Jun 1, 2015
I've put a compilation together of all my old footage from my Go Pro. Back in 2017 / 2018 I used to take the Go Pro out with me every now and then but never did anything with the footage so unfortunately my camera work is pretty bad, but putting this together has made me understand how to get better video whilst diving, so fingers crossed for some better diving in 2020!

Spearfishing in Jersey C.I / UK in 2018 - Bass, Mullet & Bream
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Some interesting fish seen, not many jersey guys post here anymore but they are pretty active on Facebook.
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Some interesting fish seen, not many jersey guys post here anymore but they are pretty active on Facebook.
Thanks Foxfish, yeah i keep in touch with Mike and all through Facebook. I was going to start posting my catch reports on the Guernsey thread as I think I saw a post somewhere saying that you guys would welcome Jersey catch reports?
Yes go ahead, I think folk still watch the Guernsey thread but that has gone pretty quiet too!
I see Mike has taken up flounder fishing with a rod and line!
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Yes go ahead, I think folk still watch the Guernsey thread but that has gone pretty quiet too!
I see Mike has taken up flounder fishing with a rod and line!
Unfortunately the poor weather has meant us Jersey spero's have had to take drastic action and start using bait!
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