momento, can't help you on a closed heel jet fin, never saw such a thing. However, If I understand your conditions, a regular open heel jet fin would be a good choice. I used jets for about 15 years before switching to garas. Both are very durable, and great in their place. I still wear my jets for special circumstances,like lobster diving in very shallow, rocky, places. My pair is about 20 years old. I wore out two sets before that, but they are still the most durable fin I ever saw.
You will probably have to wear a bootie, but there are some advantages that may cancel out the much greater efficiency of long fins. Surface diving is much easier, faster and more effective with jets. The response time from when you kick to when you move is much quicker with jets, although once you get going, nothing touches long fins. In situations of current or waves combined with tight places and shallow depths, the jets would be my choice.
Good luck on your search!