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jet ski for spearfishing

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Matt H
Dec 18, 2005
Anyone ever used one for spearfishing? If not do you think its possible to use one for spearfishing, i could see a stand up jet ski being a bit of and issue.
that would look nuts with you in all your camo kit and gun!

PLUS.... you could take chase of the tourists who use your dive bouy as a marker to figure of 8 around in their boats rofl

You can get some pretty cool looking sitdown skis. You would need to decorate it with camo tape and fix a large harpoon gun on the front.
Reactions: podge
Paul Smith used to use one,have a word with him at the next competition.
I have seen some very nice setups on American websites.
I think the main problem in the UK is that quite a lot of slipways have banned jetskis (that and people assuming you are a knob because you have a jetski)
With the credit crunch, I can see a lot of cheap jetskis coming on the market over the next year or so

Spearguns by Spearo uk ltd finest supplier of speargun, monofins, speargun and freediving equipment
I had a look on the net but cant find much info on it, but does anyone use a stand up jet ski for spearfishing or is it just the sit down jet skis they use?
I don't know anybody who does that. Many people use the so-called "aqua scooter" but this is controversial subject over here.
May I ask why you feel the need of a jetski for spearing? Exploring long distance? You won't explore anything of the underwater terrain as you're sitting or standing on that noisy charriot.
The aqua scooter makes more sense, but it's said to scare the fish and annoy the other spearos who may be in the same area.
Here's what I mean for aqua scooter: just an engine you grab with your hands. It pulls you forward while you're in water so you can look down for fish.
Well i want it for long distance getting from spot to spot, i can probably swim faster on my dive hunter than that sea scooter thing. I thought a jet ski would be easyer to use as can be launched by self and cheap to run and would be a bit of fun when there are no fish about.

Sure Matt, you don't have to justify for asking, of course. Me I was just asking about your purpose to see if I myself was missing something on the subject.
The fact that nobody uses a jetski for spearfishing (nobody I know, hear or read of) tells me it's probably not a good idea. But till 60 years ago nobody used guns for taking fish, and so you never know...
I keep my ears open to any input.
Obviously a Rib boat would be safer and better for your purpose. Money? A collective purchase of a used Rib with a couple of friends of yours wouldn't be so much more expensive than a jet ski (if you split the expenses in three or four people) and much better and safer for the purpose.
A lot of people in So. California use Ski's to go diving. Some even go as far as 50 miles of shore. They put rescue sleds behind them so they can carry all there gear. Some ribs are nice, but both have there advantages. Rib can carry more people but unless you have a really nice one that costs quite a bit, a ski will be a lot faster getting you to were you need to go. I know there's a lot on this subject on Spearboard.com.
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Yes I remember seeing him around Portland area a number of years ago. If my memory serves correctly he had a groovy set-up and all his gear was neatly stashed and lashed and he was spearing successfully. As Dave has said ask him when you next see him. I suppose anchoring might be tricky if conditions are choppy or you might get idiots in boats coming in close to see why there is a seemingly abandoned jet-ski only for your head to pop-up after a dive....rofl
ah ha! i knew this had potential!
i mentioned this on another thread some time ago, and i was laughed at.

it is true however that most people will just automagically assume that you are a knob if you are on a jet ski.

this is a link to an amphibious jet ski.
i'd say it has potential.

It's a camo jet ski....or is it?
Reactions: Mr. X
May I ask why you feel the need of a jetski for spearing? Exploring long distance?

I could see using one verses a boat or Rib - as they are lighter to pull with a car, cheaper than a boat, easier to load and unload by yourself and would work to get you from point A to point B. You don't need to fly across the water at mach 10 or do airial stunts. But depending on how far you have to go- to get to the spearing/diving area- could be useful. I also agree in using a scooter- but if you have to travel a mile or so- a scooter might not be the best option.
A few guys down in Melbourne use them, they pretty much put them in the water and drive all over port Phillip bay looking for the fish or squid. Much cheaper to run, and they even caught some 15kg yellow tail kingfish off them early this year.
yeah i almost bought a jetski this summer for spearing but it just didnt happen. i dont know too much on the subject but i would recommend you look at the seadoo "wake". its made for wake boarding so it comes with a tow bar and boardholders. tow bar would make towing a raft behind you simple and you could probably turn the boardholders into gun/fin holders. and its big enough to bring a friend, maybe two and has a big back area where it seems you might be able to put all your gear on or whatever pretty easily.

heres a link WaterCraft - Wake - BRP USA
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Sorry to let you know dude...it's the wrong color. It'll scare away all the fish. rofl Seriously hope it works out. As a sailor I detest the blasted things mostly :martial...but for a spearo????? I suppose so! :t
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Old man Dave:

Two Cajun friends grew up together on the bayou, Jaque and Pierre. Jaque went off to college getting a biology and law enforment degree becoming a game warden. Pierre stayed home catching crawfish and running trotlines. One day Pierre invited Jaque out fishing. Jaque took the day off and gladly went.

At sunup they jumped into the piroque and brrrrrr...out into the bayou they went. Pierre dropped anchor and started rummaging around in his tackle box. Jaque rigged his rod and tried to decide what lure to use. He asked his buddy "Will this be okay for here?" "Nahw" replied Pierre "We use dis!" And up he holds a half stick of dynomite with a piece of rusty chain tied on. Jaque is flabbergasted! He says "Don't cha know ahm a official Game Warden now? Ahm entrusted by the great State of Louisianna to uphold the laws? Ahm gonna have- ta cite chew!"

Pierre looks Jaque in the eye, cuts the fuse in half and lights it. He tosses the stick to Jaque and says "Chew gonna feesh or chew gonna talk?" :blackeye
Can't go wrong with PWC for spearin' been using mine for about a year now and the "Run&Gun" doesn't dissappoint...its light, fast, economical, and gets the job done!
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