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Jim is a legend!!!!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well there are a few Australian Brands like Torelli and Pelaj, but their prices aren't really any cheaper than other brands from europe and the states that you'd find in a shop over here. The reason our stuff is soooooooo expensive is because of tax on imported stuff, they slog you a stupid tax when you bring in over $700 worth of anything and then the wholesaler has to sell it to the shops at a profit which is usually anywhere from 75%-100% of what they paid for it including the taxes and shipping costs, then the retailer puts their mark up on it which is around about the same depending on what it is. So That's the reason why our stuff is sooo expensive. And our government wonders why people by things from overseas instead of buying austrlian owned and made. Another point I think I should add, is that the Australian stuff isn't even made over here, the pelaj guns are made in South africa and I suppose are then subject to the same taxes and freight costs thereby making them the same price as a rob allen gun. Their wetsuits I believe are made in asia some where and honestly from what I've read aren't worth buying. They might be $200 cheaper than a cressi but you'll be buying 3 or 4 to last the time your 1 cressi does.

Anyhoo that's enough rambling and complaining from me, I've found where to buy my gear from with out getting robbed blind so I'll keep doing that untill the government starts trying to stop that too.
My zoom isn't leaking, water just gets in through the top really easily. I think its the angle the snorkel is at, and the fact that it doesn't have a "wave guard" at the top. But no water gets stuck in the "J" and it is SILENT. Quietest snorkel i have ever had. Sometimes my upper lip gets uncomfortable after long dives (over two hours). My mask is killing me when I dive below 30 FOW, but I'm using a Scubapro "Ventana" I chose this mask because its all clear, and I dive frequently in addition to spearfishing. I want a lower volume mask like the alien, but I'm hesitant to cut my vision that much. I was attacked by a 4 and 1/2 foot snapping turtle once, and my peripheral vision is what saved my head from being crushed.
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