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John Dory Vid

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That would be it :)
Is that in Ireland? Ive never seen one but Alison had shot a few but said that they were quite deep (deeper than I can dive anyway) That didnt look like that sort of depth 20m +
Nicely shot, it looks very strange coming out of the murk like that
that is fantastic. the patterns are so much more distinctive alive than when it is on a fishmongers display!

more please!
That was in about 14m or so, It wasn't coming out of the murk I spotted it about 10m away and had to swim up to it!
Notice the heavy infestation of parasites? This was taken near to a salmon farm and many fish I have shot near this area have the same thing.
another vid
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Excellent vid's Huan.
Used to see a few John Dorys when tank diving for flats. Usually in 20-30M.
Amazing creatures. They always approach head on and look really small with their thin profile. Suddenly they turn sideways and then they look like a dinner plate. They often swim in front of you repeatedly doing this. It's like a light going on and off. Now you see me, now you don't.
We catch a few during high summer on the feathers when targeting mackeral.
They grow to about 10lbs and are highly priced as they are excellent eating. Despite that I never speared them when on tanks even when commercial flattying (past life) as they are sooooo nice to see. Might take a biggy freediving if I had the chance.
My older brother once hand speared one in the shallows which was well over the british record but he never bothered to claim it.

Story from one day last year with my only JD sighting.


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Nice videos Huan :). That jd looks kinda creepy heading straight on like that.
Nice shots Huan, I particulary like the taste of that fish, and its looks!
Awesome video. From head on the fish looks like some sort of copepod suspended in the water.
It reminded me of Star wars Y wing fighter.
I am kind of happy I didn't shoot it, but I have met others that werent so lucky....
Cam or Gun? Gun or Cam?
Nice Vids Huan,

I've never seen a JD, although I have eaten one

Nice camo job on the gun too. How did you get that effect?

Camo Tape the cheapest and fastest way to camo-ize any surface.
How well does the camo tape resist sea water? Does it peel off in a matter of days? Also, does it leave a stcky residue behind like duct tape does when you leave it in the heat?:)

The tape I use lasts well has been in use since 2003 on this gun and has been in a lot of use.
It isn't the same as duct tape, as it doesn't have as much adhesive.
Great video, I didn't realise that John Dorys were so quite so flat. Saw them on the menu of a "beach cabana" -style restaurant in Cornwall. It is handy that they have a target painted on the side but they look so weird & wonderful I'd be tempted to let it go by. I take it you did not shoot it?

Shame about the parasites. Presumably the fish farms are trying to produce affordable fish in a sustainable way but failing. Makes you wonder what the answer to this is (the only thing I can come up with is managing the world population...not an easy proposition).

Camo tape -- excellent -- is it an army surplus product?
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In my view there is little sustainable about fish farms.
Where does the feed come from? a hint try searching industrial fishing and Denmark.
They are a partial cause of the wild salmon stocks being damaged, and are very much a cause of pollution in our bays and coastline.
There have also been cases of masses of dead salmon being dumped onto the seabed and left to rot.
Huan, any thoughts on a solution? We are told the seas are being overfished. At the same time, the media are promoting eating fish for improved health (Omega 3, etc.) and people are eating more of it than they have done in decades. More quotas & increased size limits?

I am not advocating anything, I am just curious about what the long time fishermen think. We seem to be caught between a rock and a hard place with the environment.
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