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John Dory Vid

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
I think that the main problem is greed.
When it comes to fishing vessels the race for fish is such that anyone with morals or ethics gets left behind, this is especially prevalent with new vessels, ie the mortgage is so big that the new owners have to fish very hard to make a profit.
In all of this no-one is paying the Ocean to make new fish.
The only winners are the greedy and the Banks that loaned the money in the first place.
I think that supporting small local fishermen be it Mackerel handliners or a small local trawlerman is vital, these people are the lifeblood of communities all around the coastlines, and are most at risk of being marginalised by successive governments policies (or lack of).
They usually fish in fairly sustainable ways (they have to because they can't go far, and have naturally limited fishing time (weather).
Reactions: Mr. X
It's good to hear that there is a possible solution. It would be good to see the small fishing communites thriving. The one I am most familiar with has changed considerably over the years, quite sad ... the local fisherman have been through some tough times (one that I met, a young guy, committed suicide . Awful.).

Radio 2 had somebody talking about whale & dolphin bycatch this evening. They said some of the nets used now were big enough to hold several Jumbo jets!

Seems like fishermen need somebody to speak up -- most of us are ignorant of what is going on & what can be done. Politicians represent the people with the big boats as well as the small ones -- presumably that's why the current cod quota is more that 50% of the entire cod population (how could anybody in good conscience agree to that?).
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Fondueset said:
The Problem: A philosophy of infinite corporate expansion on a finite planet.
Yes, I find it scary that some folk are actually looking to space travel as a means off the planet after it has been trashed (hope they leave soon ). Another scarey opinion I have heard from a former colleague while discussing population growth was along the lines "don't worry, we'll develop technology to deal with it" (come to think of it, that's a bit like..... but I'm not getting into that).

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That's a very simple and ignorant method, Chris, Nature has a much better one: Starvation. The world will always survive, it's just a question of whether we will and in what conditions. So you see, I'm not worried at all! In a few millenia there won't be a trace of human civilization and the world will be pristine again. The trick will be to get reincarnated in that era and remember your freediving skills from this lifetime.
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