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Just wanted to say hi

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Apr 30, 2021
Anyone out there live in Barcelona?
I'm becoming fascinated with free diving. I've started practicing breathing techniques and have bought some cool free diving fins.
Now, I'm wondering if there is a community of people who do this in Barcelona?

Hay alguien de Barcelona?
Me interesa mucho el free diving. Practico los ejercicios de la respiración y tengo unas aletas super guays.
Ahora, me pregunto, si hay gente en Barcelona que sale para nadar y hacer free diving.

Saludos and
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Reactions: Mr. X
Welcome Rachel :) Fyi Although this is an international forum, it is an English language forum and use of other languages discouraged (although fine when using the private Conversations feature).

Good luck finding other freedivers in Barcelona. You might also want to try posting to the Buddy Network area of this forum, Europe section. ;)
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