Well here we are, April is on its way and KK04 is in the works. The usual representatives are showing up and we are taking bets on who will take the cup. This year has been a little hectic with school and all but I have managed to keep the tradition alive . Anderson, the ring leader of the Kraze will be in attendance with the wife to be. Octo and Sven will be taking the 6 hour flight to be with us and Stylin Jay (king KK03 ) will bring the cup from the Carolinas for some lucky person to win again this year. Freeman (rigdiver) will not be in attendance cause of classes and we are all thankful JK. The Monteros' will also be in the race for the cup this year. We will be in the process of havin fun from April 3rd till easter. Now for those who want to talk smack and take bets, here is your chance.