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Koh Tao freediving partners

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Sep 21, 2009
Anybody in Koh Tao? I need a partner. Will be here a couple of weeks starting now
I'll lift this topic a bit

I'm going to be on Koh Tao for the next month or so and would love find a buddy to do some shore-diving with.

I'm a beginner in freeding but have done SSI L1 course and am comfortable diving in depths of ~15 meters, with max being 20-25 meters. Due to my inexperience I wouldn't feel comfortable trying to go any deeper at the time. Though with shore-diving I doubt the depth would be a problem. I'll probably go for SSI L2 in the next couple of weeks so my comfort zone might be a bit different after that. I have all of my own gear, except for a dive-computer. Again, probably not necessary for shore-dives.

If there's anyone interested let me know and we can meet up and talk it over.


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