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Korean Diving

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2010
As the more or less most permanent foreigner freediver living in Korea I'll take it upon myself to be the international relay for all info on diving here. If something new happens I'll just bump this post to keep things organized.

News for now! 2013.04.16

We finally have an official AIDA here in Korea to organize comps (and future teams for international comps!). We also just had a judge course and now have 9 new judges, bringing us up to 10 total . Which is far more than is needed, but hopefully this'll be pushing comps to happen more.

The AIDA doesn't have a webpage yet. I'll update when that happens. But here is at least the Facebook page if you want to 'like' it to see what's happening. Go here: https://www.facebook.com/aidainternationalkorea (note, I'm not in charge of that page at all, but their English is decent so don't worry).

Planning a trip here? We have four different clubs all doing their own thing, ranging from very amateur (but very fun), to professional classes.

Contact me here, or at energy232@gmail.com, if you want specifics on any of the teams, or even if you are just going to be in the country stopping by.
2013.04.14 - AIDA judge course mini comp

Two new National Records!

Men DYN:
161m (with bi-fins no less!)
Won-sik Han (한원식)

Women DYN:
75m shared record
Ina Ka (카인아)
Areum Baek (백아름)
Big day for Korean divers! Now that we have official judges here there was the first official AIDA pool competition.

The men set a couple new records with:
107m DNF by Dongwa Lee (이동와)
6'01" STA by Sanghoon Ju (주상훈)

And the two ladies above both pushed their DYN shared record up to 100! With Ina Ka adding on a STA record of 3'31".

And coincidentally, down in the Philippines, Elliot Kim (김효민) took advantage of having a couple judges handy and set the new CWT record at 62m (as of this post pending bottom plate video review).
Quick update since it's been a while.

Hyomin (Elliot) Kim [김효민] was just down in Kalamata for the champs and set some new NRs! He's moved his CWT down to a massive 77m, and while there set FIM at 70. He wanted 80, but the weather and water temp didn't help him on that dive. No doubt he'll get it soon at this rate though.
I've officially opened up my freediving school here in Seoul. If anyone is in Korea and wants to do some training, I'm currently the only native English speaking AIDA instructor in country and can arrange just about whatever you want.

Check my site out: 1Up Freediving
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