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La Paz, Mexico: Trip advice needed!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Another Lost Soul
May 8, 2006
Looking to be down in La Paz, Sept 3 - 10, 2008.

Any advice would be great about diving around there.

1) Any good shore diving locations near by?

2) Where is a reliable dive shop (some English would be appreciated)?

3) What about renting boats? Where to go? Prices? Recommended captains?

4) Spear fishing: licenses, locations, fish types for that time of year?

5) Any partners available for diving? Or locals with some experience?

Thanks for any advice from someone who has been down there before.

I found a number of references on the forums to http://freedivers.net but the website seems to be gone now.

ps. I know Mexico is in North America officially, but the forum says USA & Canada
Reactions: apneaboy
Well their website is back! I will start by sending him an email, but would still enjoy tips from anybody else on the forum.

Getting gear there is going to be complicated. With current extra luggage fees I could just buy another set of long fins and have them delivered, if there was a reasonable place to buy from.
Speak with Aharon & MT at freedivers. Europe is missing out big time since they moved to Baja. Our loss your gain.
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