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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Jul 1, 2006
best material to use as an adhesive? from reading many forums resin seams to be the way to go, specially the west system? I know of one person who uses gorilla glue and this marine grade. it does foam and fill, could this be a potential problem? thoughts and ideas anyone?

I have used both, Gorilla glue is ok if you are making just one gun, make sure you fallow the directions and the gun will be fine. The first gun I made, many years ago, I glued with the stuff and it's still holding up nicely.
West Systems is the best but it's pricey and unless you plan on making several guns it would be a waist simply because you can buy a small bottle of Gorilla glue for a lot less money to do the job.


at the moment i have a picasso basic mechanism. when i install it in the barrel i presume i will have to get some longer pins. What hold the pins actually in place? Do I glue them in or is it just the tension holding them in there ?
Orangekiwi said:

at the moment i have a picasso basic mechanism. when i install it in the barrel i presume i will have to get some longer pins. What hold the pins actually in place? Do I glue them in or is it just the tension holding them in there ?

I usually pin the mech in place using stainless pins which I cut to fit the barrel, if you drill the holes a little undersize then drive them into place the pins will stay in place without any additional help, or you could use screws and nuts like Riffe/Wong does.

use an epoxy glue like west system or something similar, it was designed for exactly this type of work and is easy to use and can be used to clear coat the gun afterwards,as for cost you can buy it in small and large bottles and I think it would be more cost affective than gorilla glue, it is better to first coat the timber in unthickened glue first and wait afew minutes for it to penetrate and then apply thickened glue and clamp ,it is a very forgiving glue and as long as you mix it properly it is hard to make a bad joint, you should be able to to buy thickening agents at the same place you but the glue and it is extremely cheap , ANDREW.
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