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law on Harpoon Guns

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roflLove the mini cooper idea!
roflGreat post. Aren't fire arms mandatory yet?!

Airguns are allowed in England and the rest of the UK (not sure about Iceland) but they imposed power restrictions some time ago. It doesn't help when you get prats like the guy who shot and killed a baby in a pram/pushcair in a public park in Scotland a year or two ago. Mind you the teenager who used a live dog for archery practice in WA, USA is hard to forget too.

Bored? Rifled? It makes me wince to think of that harpoon pictured in podges email spinning out towards some poor whale. Do they use explosives in the tips (power heads)?

I love that you'd consider a minimum size requirementrofl - spoken like a true American. It does make some sense. BTW Don't forget, harpoon & spear are the same thing to most people, so be careful what you suggest to non-spearos, they might get hold of the wrong end of the stick.
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It's not the Harpoon gun thats the problem it's the Harpoon they fire...

When i was 8 years old my dad returned from the Falklands conflict with a collection of harpoons and heads they collected from there.

That seriously put the fear of god into me and even at a young age the repulsion of what damage they would do was all too clear.
Strikes me as more like artillery. Its surely not a "common calibre" and not that readily portable either. Of course, you could mount it in the back of a Toyota, but you could also do that with a medieval cannon. Could it be classed as a collectable? Perhaps we could ask Mick Shepherd!
Yes Mr. X, in America firearms are mandatory. We are also required to have the stuffed corpses of several endangered species mounted throughout our homes, have a v8 engine in our car that gets less than 10 miles per gallon, run our heat and electricity all the time for no good reason (just because we can). Also, all food portions served in the US must weigh over a pound and have a fat content of 50% or higher. Additionally, trans fat is now required to be present in all food, and soft drinks only come in sizes of one gallon or over. The way it should be!!!!rofl Oh yeah, and we all carry those rambo knives too! Only in America!
Reactions: Spiderman and podge

Damn! I moved before it got good!!!roflroflrofl
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