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Leaderfin Pure Carbon, 20 or 33 degree angle?

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New Member
Aug 28, 2022
Hi I'm Val from New Zealand.

I'm upgrading my cressi 3000 to some carbon fins. Water here is always relatively cold and I only dive in 5mm wetsuit with 7kg of lead. I'm 1.78 m (5.33 feet) and 85kg (190 lbs).

I mainly free dives for photography and making videos. I guess I'm more towards the spearfishing style than pure free diving. I mainly dive from shore in 5-15 m of water.

I'm really interested in the Leaderfins pure carbon also because of their appealing price. I was considering buying some soft ones, short (70 cm) with the Forza pockets.

But I'm not sure about the angle, 20 or 33 degrees? I would go for 33, as the other option were some CETMA Prana o Mantra that both have 33, and they are deemed to be excellent fins.

Is it 33 a good choice? What are the pros and cons of having such a marked angle?

Hope you can help me, thank you,
My vote would go to the 33 deg. The angle is said to improve surface swimming and energy conversion. How true that is, is open to opinion. The best would be to try each out and see what feels better to you, but I know that's not always an option depending on where we are. I think how bendable ones ankle and foot are plays into what blade angle would work best. Just my guess. I currently use the Cetma Edge (medium) which is at 27 deg. The angle feels great to me whether I'm surface kicking or making drops.
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