Leaking Omer Alien mask - mystery solved & leak fixed
My trusty Omer Alien mask starting leaking annoyingly near the bottom of the left eye at the end of last season. Very frustrating but I could usually get it to stop. This season it has been worse and on an otherwise lovely dive this weekend it became difficult to stop -- pretty annoying in a strong, choppy current. I'd checked the mask several times but could find nothing wrong. I'd starting taking a great deal of care to get a really, really close, smooth shave for months and I began to wonder if an injury I had received near my eye earlier this year might have affected the seal somehow.
Anyway, I was ready to switch to my back-up mask (Seacsub X-lite combat:martial) but decided to have one final examination of the Alien. I expected to find a crack/hole/roughness on the inner flange but yet again none was to be found. As I pulled the mask's flange for a final exterior check the rubber pulled out of the lens frame ...at the bottom of the left eye - the source of the leak! I push it back in and it seems to have settled back into place (if it comes out again, I'll superglue it). Mystery solved. The rubber would pull out but then settled back into place - but not fully - good enough to hide the leak & sometimes stop it but not to fix it completely. It took a couple of attempts to get it back in so that it would stay in. Seems good now though
My trusty Omer Alien mask starting leaking annoyingly near the bottom of the left eye at the end of last season. Very frustrating but I could usually get it to stop. This season it has been worse and on an otherwise lovely dive this weekend it became difficult to stop -- pretty annoying in a strong, choppy current. I'd checked the mask several times but could find nothing wrong. I'd starting taking a great deal of care to get a really, really close, smooth shave for months and I began to wonder if an injury I had received near my eye earlier this year might have affected the seal somehow.
Anyway, I was ready to switch to my back-up mask (Seacsub X-lite combat:martial) but decided to have one final examination of the Alien. I expected to find a crack/hole/roughness on the inner flange but yet again none was to be found. As I pulled the mask's flange for a final exterior check the rubber pulled out of the lens frame ...at the bottom of the left eye - the source of the leak! I push it back in and it seems to have settled back into place (if it comes out again, I'll superglue it). Mystery solved. The rubber would pull out but then settled back into place - but not fully - good enough to hide the leak & sometimes stop it but not to fix it completely. It took a couple of attempts to get it back in so that it would stay in. Seems good now though
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