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Legal take limits for North and South Wales

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2008
Here is a list of the legal take limits of some of the more popular varieties of fish that can be taken:

North Wales – 36cm
South Wales – 37.5cm

Crabs (measured across the width of the back)
North Wales - Edible Crab - 13cm / Spider crab – 13cm ♂ 12cm ♀
South Wales – Edible Crab - 14cm / Spider crab – 13cm ♂ 12cm ♀

Grey Mullet
North Wales – 20cm
South Wales – 35cm

Lobster (measured down the length of carapace)
North Wales – 8.7cm
South Wales – 9cm
(All lobster which have a V-notched tail or mutilated (to an extent that may hide the V-notch) must be returned also aswell as those females carrying eggs)

Wales – 30cm

Scallops - (across the width of the shell)
North Wales – 10/11cm (dependant on latitude)
South Wales – 11cm

Tuna (Blue fin)
South Wales - 6.4kg

(However, there may be other restrictions imposed such as no taking from bass nursery areas and various shellfish beds)

Information taken from the North Wales Fisheries website (www.nwnwsfc.org) and the South Wales fisheries website site (www.swsfc.org.uk).

Hope someone finds this useful

(It is possible to add more information here if any one does want to help me make a thorough, informative thread for Wales??)
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