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Lets Make a Private Forum

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
WOW......I am actually amazed that this discussion is still going on or even started for that matter. I actually have some questions about this proposed "private forum".

Who gets to be in it?

Can you simply sign up for it? (you already simply sign up to post here)

What special criteria need to be met to get in the "private forum"?

Who decides on the criteria?

How do you verify people are meeting the criteria?

If the "private forum" is only for a select few, seriously, what is wrong with email????????

Personaly I believe somethings are getting out of control. It is not a convienent society anymore, it is an accommadating one. It is not good enough that we can instantly contact someone, we have to have 12 different ways to instantly contact someone. I reason, that this is because most people have about 12 different personalities and they all want something different to satisfy themselves.

But heay, what do I know..........????
whoever the moderator adds to it, yes, whatever the moderator(s) outline, you think about it, best emphasized by a question "why are you not using email for this discussion?", nothing to comment on the last one.
Ok so there has been alot of reasoning why to have and why not to have a private forum for a certain group of freedivers and spearos, but say you do get a private forum, and now another group wants one. Heck what if the boys from Gurnsey, Cornwall and us here in cape town who all started dedicated threads for our specific areas wants private forums in wich to discuss our diving endeavors.
Dont you think it will be counter productive to the whole idea around DB (sharing and reading other peoples ideas and stories) Cause if you make it available to one, you have to make it available to the whole comunity and I can bet you that some of the new comers to our +12000 strong membership will just disapear cause they dont find any interest from other older users who have all gone off to talk in their own little private forums.
Like Sara and Adrian said become a supporter or use the ignore button if you really want a private forum but dont exclude and disrupt the larger group of people who visit the site regularly and make it enjoyable for the rest here.
Its just a fact that if one has it others will want it and that I feel will cause disruption and lack of interest in a site we all find very usefull and entertaining at any time of the day...
OK folks - i'm really surprised to see such a debate going on.

I offer a facility where clubs/groups can have a hosted forum on here. An assigned Moderator(s) are given moderation functions in that forum and they are free to run it pretty much how they want. This has worked well for SaltFree and Altasub so far.

I don't mind if groups want to join in or not. The idea is giving them an established forum system that is maintained by us and tap into the wider DB forum group of 12000+ members. I'm not even adverse to having groups be private if they want to (most members wouldn't even know it's there as it doesn't show up for them). There are a number of private forums here on the site that most members don't see (for a variety of small groups that want to keep there discussions in private).

I really don't see this as a huge debate as, from my perspective, i'm just trying to provide a good, free service to help other groups out and it is up to that group to decide how they engage with the community and if they want to be public or private.
Actually, I was responding with the absolute idea that it would be an unlimited number of private forums for all to create. No different than public forums other than who is participating.

Let me repeat, it is already being done!

Deep_thinker, and others with the same conclusions, what do you think supports the idea that older users, or any significant number of users will disappear into private forums? Are you aware that some people already do so at this time? Are you aware that many do not? Why do you think the large part of DB users currently are not disappearing into private forums and what would motivate them to do so if private forums were available?

I have not yet seen any argument to support these conclusions that a "better" private forum will disrupt DB's ways. If one has been made please point me to the specifics. I have made arguments for both the benefits and why I don't see it as disruptive, backed with factual information that can be critiqued point by point. However, I do not see any of my points addressed or used in further responses. Nor do I see anything factual or any sign of a train of reasoning for the opinion that private forums will be disruptive.

So, if the argument is to progress there needs to be some constructive and thoughtful criticism.
Ah, was writing while Stephan responded.

Thanks Stephan for clarifying things and for the great service.
Im saying that on the conclusion that if someone has a place where he can converse with divers only from his area, why would they feel the need to view threads from other areas if the ones from his own private forum satisfies his needs and his needs wont be intrigued by outside views (ie posters from different areas with something usefull to say that wont be allowed to post in a read only forum visible to the general community) sure they are still free to browse but do you really think that they will do so on a regular basis if they have somewhere where they can converse with people in the same area than themselves?
Ag never mind Im happy with the way DB operates and dont have any problem with what the next guy does and as Stefan says there are allready private forums so why not have more...
The Guernsey thread is one of the most viewed places on DB. Guernsey is a very small island with a handful of spearo’s. There are no huge blue water fish, no crystal clear vis, no tropical sunshine and yet because of DB thousands of people know of it.

Why am I saying this? Well because it is in essence a private thread. Probably 90% of posts are from less than 10 local spearo’s. The other 10% or so are welcome contributions from others around the world.

Seems to me therefore that starting a yearly thread for your area can be effectively a 90% private forum and yet can be enjoyed by the wide world of DB members. Well it’s worked for us anyway.

For this reason if for no other I think strictly private forums access would spoil DB. The whole open access internet world of DB has hugely invigorated spearing and freediving in Guernsey. DB has helped to encourage and support newcomers and even taught us old dogs some new tricks.

It is easy in these type of threads to lose it and express your own opinion by ridiculing others. I don’t think private threads would be a good thing and probably the degree to which they are currently available is sufficient. However I respect others have the right to disagree. This openness and the role of the mentors makes DB the success it is. Long may it be so.

To me, DB has always been about community and diversity. I'm not interested in segregation, nationalism, provincialism, elitism- too much of that in the world already thanks.
DB forums are not simply about diving and hunting: there is a much higher purpose!
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Cras massa erat, consequat ac Stephan Whelan, pellentesque id deeperblue, bibendum id, neque. Cras sem. Quisque lacinia. Sed pharetra odio at libero aliquam convallis. Integer turpis pede, rutrum eget, aliquet vel, pharetra eget, felis. Cras aliquam. Proin massa pede, molestie in, nonummy quis :vangry, sollicitudin ut, odio. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse vestibulum leo vitae lectus. Fusce eleifend lacus ut leo interdum porta. Ut a lacus vitae felis sollicitudin euismod rectum invaisa.
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