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LIC Portland Pairs - weekend 5th 6th July

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Camanche killer

May 23, 2009
Hi Guys

Picasso UK are hosting the London International Club annual Portland Pairs competition which is held from first light on the 6th July, see https://www.facebook.com/events/295539750574426/ for event details.

As part of the hosting PUK will be offering camping at Lloyds Cottage, Portland Bill on Friday 5th & 6th of July, friends and families are more than welcome to come along and join in the fun :) A minimal charge of £15 per tent per night will be charged to help cover the cost of hiring wash and toilet facilities. So come enjoy a great weekend of camping, fishing and socialising with like-minded individuals.

A BBQ and social will be held after the comp for fisherman, families and a-like.

Please let us know below if you are coming so we can supply adequate facilities
for all.

Regards Kev
I will be there for sure brah!

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Can u post up some more info about the comp, rules and point systems etc... basically how it works.


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Sounds great, although it's my Mum's birthday on the 5th. But if I can make it I'll definitely be there! Will try to find out soon...
I Would be interested in this if I could get someone from the South Wales Club boys to come too.
Will find out and let you know.
@Lee LIC will release there poster shortly I will post it when they publish it

@Matt good on ya don'y forget that Magnum Carbon bream slayer

@Tom mum will love a couple nights camping for her birthday good child cover as well!

@Jamyz good luck finding a partner, if you struggle contact LIC direct they paired me with a British Team spearo a couple of years ago, great learning curve

Dife Safe Kev
Ha I grab the bream sniper by reflex mate. Itching to get it out in decent Vis.
Don't take Nobby with ya, don't wanna skewer the little piglet! Although could be a good result for the specie hunt roflrofl
May bring the big bass and cod in tho if he's wiggling around on the end of the spear. Hmmmm tempted now ha
haha, didn't do you much good getting stuck with me tho did it Kev!!!

Great weekends fishing tho
Dave was a great day out even if it was a bit choppy on the 15 mile blast back to port

Took a while to find the bass but we got some in the end.
true that, did cover some miles that day lol,

must sort out and do it again somewhere this year!
Can somebody please link me to some derailed info for oairs comp.......rules and regs etc....



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