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Lidl dive and boat gear

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2005
Just got an email from Lidl. They've got loads of diving and boating gear. Here's a few examples:

Danbuoy Light = £9.99
Foldable Grapnel Anchor = £9.99
Diving Knife = £6.99
Diving Gloves = £8.99
Diving Boots = £7.99
Lead Diving Belt = £6.99
Diving Net Bag = £1.99
Underwater Camera = £4.99
Underwater Torch = £6.99

Well you get the idea. And no I'm not affiliated with Lidl in any way.

Reactions: Pastor
I really hate lidl food rofl but hell they sell some handy stuff sometimes
Cheers dude
After checking out two stores near me I managed to bag a semi-dry snorkel for £4.99 and a goody bag for £1.99. I doubt I'll use the snork but it'll come in handy for visitors. Lidl seemed to have sold out of loads of stuff and I couldn't find some of the other bits (anchor) I was interested in. Oh well, maybe next time...
I got a Sailing Jacket - Ok it's no good underwater but the quality is amazing for the price, well worth looking if you want some cheap and cheerful gear for friends and holidays

didn't see the other stuff, must have all gone !
Yes, most of the dive gear & lines had gone before I got there too.

There was a good fishing sale at Lidl's earlier in the year (see: Kayak rigging thread). Various boxes of tackle, great rod (speargun) bag, dive torches,...

I quite like the most of the food but I wouldn't want to get everything there. We have a nice combination locally Waitrose (organic, posh, expensive) & Lidl's (cheap but good). I'm told Aldi is v. similar to Lidls.

I know you've got a kayak but it looks like lidl's going to be stocking them as well


No Waitrose in Cornwall as far as I know. I did pick up some Black Forrest ham and a bottle of cheap Sangria from Lidl whn I was there - the ham was excellent and the Sangria was nice on the hot afternoons last week.

Crap dive conditions yesterday - low vis, jellyfish, overcast and it started to rain whilst I was in the water much to the irritation of my wife and daughter who were stuck on the beach The water was lovely and warm though.
Reactions: Mr. X
Andrew@Rockface said:
No Waitrose in Cornwall as far as I know.
£70 kayak :hmm. Surprised you don't have Waitrose down there. The Duke of Cornwall is a major supplier, he dropped by our local Waitrose during a recent visit (probably fancied a pork pie ... or pastie).

Good to hear the sea is warming up -- hopefully the fish will come with it.
I just checked and Cornwall does have a Waitrose: Saltash! That's not Cornwall! That's the DMZ between heaven and hell
Lidl dive and boat gear - tomorrow onwards

Lidl's boat and dive gear go on sale tomorrow 10th May.

  • Lots of ropes that look like they might make decent float lines.
  • Boat fenders (might make a float?).
  • Dinghy!
  • Cheapy wetsuits -- not for serious spearing but kayaking/summer snorkel/surf/kids/...
  • Stainless steel karabiners
  • booties
  • torch

Lidl Online
Reactions: Spaniard
If you want any gear from Lidl you need to get there early. I went for the Stainless steel karabiners for my boat but they had already run out in the daytime.

Lidl special offers are usually good but I bought the underwater torch last year and it only lasted for two dives.

Yes the quality varies - it's a bit like a car boot/rummage/jumble sale - much of the stuff is made in Germany & former E. bloc countries which is usually reasonable, if it matches your tastes/needs. They had some good cycling tool sets recently, really comprehensive (inc. BB tools, hyperglide tool, pedal wrenches, headset wrenches, etc.), & some decent MTB cycling shoes. I bought a handline, which I think is good value at 2.99 (3 mackeral blade spinners, 3 rubber eels & 10oz weight). I bought a drill stand last year that is rubbish though - the build quality is good, the design just doesn't work very well.

Like we used to say about K-mart/WallMart/Venture -- it's the place to go if you have to buy something but really don't want to (i.e. it was usually the least expensive option). K-mart (now defunct?) used to be unbelievably great for hunting & fishing gear though (pity I didn't hunt or fish at the time - useful for presents though). Loads of it, mainly name-brand stuff too (Shimano, Remington, Browning,...) and affordable.

[Lidl's have an anchor rope with anchor chain on offer this week too - bit pricey].
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From the things mentioned in the link I bought the wetsuit, torch and camera. Wetsuit is quite good quality, no complaints here, but it is a scuba/surf style 3mm wet type suit which limits its use considerably. Torch is ok as well, but again only 4 LEDs, usable only as a backup diving light. The quality is ok, mine lasts already the second year. The camera is not really usable again, but I think its quite the same with all similar cameras (for the price - I think the film inside (ISO 400) itself would cost more elsewhere :t).
Kayak Gear at Lidls

Kayak gear in Lidls:

Inflatible kayaks (79/199 GBP -- would think Sevylor might offer better value though)
2-piece paddles (24 GBP)
Buoyancy aids (adult & child) about 19 & 14GBP

Lidl Online
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It was Lidl's fishing gear a few weeks ago (might be some odds & ends left, there were last year) but this week is Dive week!

Lidl Online

Sea scooter anyone?!

BTW A local Tesco superstore had 2 different waterproof torches, I think both were under a a fiver and included batteries, fancy bulb (halogen/whatever) & decent lanyards. You just know that next year they're going to have LED versions though
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