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Little Cayman trip, 2007, interested?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
Hi All,

Unirdna (Ted) and I have decided that Little Cayman is definitely worth another trip and if some more DBers came along, it would be even better. See below for a description of the idea and what the diving looks like. If you are interested, reply here or PM me and we can work out the details.

Little Cayman is world class freediving and the best of it doesn’t even need a boat. Heck, you wouldn’t even want one for most if it. Check out the thread under freediving stories, "Little Cayman - unirdna and cdavis reporting" for some description and Ted's very cool videos. Believe me, good as they are, they don’t show the half of it and we didn't even see nearly all of it. Sorry, I’m a computer klutz, don’t know how to set this up as a direct link, you will have to work a little.

The idea is to have enough divers to split up into several 2-3 diver teams, each going different places each day and comparing notes and pictures every night. This would give us enough people to rent a small boat and a car (if people want one) and go down to the other end of the island, out of range of shore and other dive boats. I understand that the diving is even better in that area. We have 4 definites so far and the resort will handle 15-20, depending on how friendly you are. Wives, kids, girlfriends are welcome. There is enough variety to keep everybody busy.

The island is small, with only a few inhabitants and 4 or 5 places to stay, filled with a fair number of scuba divers. Land activities are a little limited, but the environment is beautiful and the bird watching is supposed to be superb. There is also a famous gourmet restaurant on the island, don’t ask me how.

Getting there is easy and not too expensive. Lots of airlines fly to Grand Cayman, Cayman Air was our best deal. There is a Cayman Air shuttle to Little Cayman, roughly twice a day.

We are planning to go approximately May 26 - June 1 , 2007 and stay at McCoys Dive Lodge. This is the most reliable weather week of the summer and even gets a lower rate. There are other, fancier places on the island. However, if you want to freedive, McCoys has the best set up, by far. They are also very accommodating to anyone who has special diet needs. You want their non-diver (Relaxer) package, see their internet site, www.mccoyslodge.com.ky/mainpage.htm. . Rooms allow for double or triple occupancy and cost about a grand a week per person and that includes three solid meals. You will probably want to do some diving on the larger boats on a price per day basis, but it is not required.

This is not a package tour and we aren’t tour guides. Make your own reservations, just let us know you are coming.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, B0s are strictly prohibited on this trip.

Connor and Ted.
Last edited:
Thanks all for the PMs. Looks like 8 or 9 total so far. For those of you that have tried to contact McCoys via Email, their computer has been down (viruses) and getting anything fixed that far out in the boonies takes a while. The fax number on their website works well and the regular telephone works but is a little chalanging. They expect to have the computer up in a couple of weeks. If you continue to have trouble, let me know.

Last call,

Looks like the resort is getting near full. We have eight with money down. Its going to be a very very good trip. If you are thinking about this one, its time to move. Now, if I can figure out how to fit my size 11 feet into Teds new monofin, size 4?, all will be complete.

Look under Freediving Stories, something like "Little Cayman, unirdna and cdavis reporting" We just added 2007 to 2006, same thread, two different trips.

It was a very good time. Dominica in 2008, anyone?

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