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Little kid or big gun

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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2005
A day hunting Palometas in Ixtapa, Mexico.

The long gun was a pleasure to shoot, so was the thin 7mm shaft. Fish did not get nervous because I could shoot from a long distance.

Had a great time although water didn't cooperate every day. The water was warm, 82 degrees (28 Celcius), calm but sometimes murky.

The catch was probably taken within an hour, and it was enough for the whole family and friends.

Reactions: vivien
Forgot the picture


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id guess them at pompano, we call them swallowtails here, have any side-on pics of them?
They are called Palometas locally. I have tried searching them to find scientific name but haven't been able to find anything. I did find an english name of palometa for a very similar fish in Florida.

Here's a close up to another picture where you can see the fish a little better.



  • Palometas.jpg
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Good photo Alex.What is your gun ,a Master America??
Great catch!!!
those fish are not very big and the filet is small and thin too... But what a great taste... Grill or fry'em until crispy, salt, lime juice and a good hot sauce (A cold beer on the side is a must too!:friday ) and you can die happy!!!
I´m so jalous and bitter!!!!:vangry :t

Best regards!!!
Nice Master America ! I have the 90cm version. very sexy gun!

nice fish too
Went back to the beach for the weekend and didn't log in but here are all the repplies.

The gun is a Master America 115. I shoot these palometas with one band and 7mm shaft.

The fish are delicious, but I don't fry them as I believe it takes the taste away, almost any fried fish tastes the same. I like my fish grilled whole, that way you can get all the meat out. If they are filleted lots of meat remains behind. If you are a big eater you can eat probably a large one or at the most two smaller ones, they have lots of meat in them.

Well, on this last trip I had a couple of days to go diving, on the first one I wentfishing with my father first, and after catching 3 sailfish I decided to go into the water with the third sailfish to set it free, but found out I had forgotten my fins, so all my fishing planning torwards the diving spot were ruined.

Following day I went straight to the diving spot, and just as I entered the water found a huge wahoo swimming torwards me, but the gun was unloaded.

Remained in the water a few minutes and a small wahoo came along and joined us for some sushi. I missed a couple of shots at some nice sized wahoos and then spotted a couple of dorados, just at my vision limit. Remained still and a few seconds latter we had dorado filets to go with the sushi.

The water was as clear as possible, with visibility at over 60 feet and the pinnacle was full of fish. I saw about 8 very large wahoos in the 40Lbs and one very large one at around 60Lbs. There was a large group of rays swimming under me that I could almost touch and swam in between them several times, a huge school of jacks of at least 300, another larger school of a fish that looks just like a barracuda, but I'm told there are no barracudas in the pacific, but they all were at least 3 - 4+ feet long each and the school was at least 400 strong.

When I got back I was showing the speargun to a cousin and found that the shaft was bent down a little bit, so then I understood why I was shooting the wahoo low, even when the fish were not too far away.

I was not able to spend enough time in the water because father was not catching much fish with line and live bait. Will have to wait a few weekends to go again.


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Yeah, Pacific barracuda are a significant gamefish clear up to the Ventura County border . . . farther north in a good El Nino year.
Yeak, I don't like El Niño. Feel much better with la Niña. Pacific Oysters don't like warm water at all.
i'm not sure if I should post this question here (as there is a recepie forum) but since you mentined it....
could any of you post some sushi recepies? Or give some pointers?
Nice catch.
Fernando Pereira
I think sushi would be the easiest to prepare, just slice the raw fish thin (that's the way I like it) and dip it into soy sauce or any other sauce you like. I prepare a sauce with soy, lime, serrano pepers red onion and some orange juice that I really like.

I can't provide more details on the sauce as I make it and check if it's right by taste.
isn't that sashimi? after my post i dicided to search the net as my big question was on how to make the rice (now i have others) and i found some pdf's with great info that i can share...
Thank's for the sauce recipie, i'll try it.

Fernando, you are right I meant sashimi and just swap the name with sushi. The rice is very easy to make if you have a pressure cooker and japaneese rice.

I can't remember exactly but I think I't one cup of rice, two of water and leave in the pressure cooker for 10 minutes once it starts to wistle. Let the rice cool and then add some rice vinegar.

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