Not very accomplished at getting any depth and wanted to get some lobsters locally. I invested in one of these off ebay
1 Trap 1 Buoy & 50m Rope Net Trap Bait up & Fish Combo on eBay, also Rods, Coarse Fishing, Fishing, Sporting Goods (end time 08-Aug-08 12:39:41 BST)
Will be dropping in 10-20 metres of water just off shoreline. Our water isnt the clearest at present.
Anyone used anything similar in the past?
Any advice appreciated
1 Trap 1 Buoy & 50m Rope Net Trap Bait up & Fish Combo on eBay, also Rods, Coarse Fishing, Fishing, Sporting Goods (end time 08-Aug-08 12:39:41 BST)
Will be dropping in 10-20 metres of water just off shoreline. Our water isnt the clearest at present.
Anyone used anything similar in the past?
Any advice appreciated