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Lookig for a Dive Kayak That I can Spear From

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New Member
Sep 6, 2005
I live in Key West Florida and am looking for a dive kayak that i can spearfish from. Need a light one or two person kayak. Any ideas or anyone have one that they are getting rid of?? Also looking for a 50-55 gun (prefferably wood) Riffe or sea hornet of wong. Can be used but can't be too expensive I'm only 15!!
Re: Looking for a Dive Kayak That I can Spear From

FeAr_ThE_SpEaR said:
I live in Key West Florida and am looking for a dive kayak that i can spearfish from. Need a light one or two person kayak. Any ideas or anyone have one that they are getting rid of?? Also looking for a 50-55 gun (prefferably wood) Riffe or sea hornet of wong. Can be used but can't be too expensive I'm only 15!!
:wave CoincidentlY I have been looking at Kayaks too. Check out http://www.kayakdiving.com. It covers a lot of issues, the main brands & recommends models.

Basically it is all about sit-on kayaks & he primarily recommends the Ocean Kayak Scrambler XT 1-man or the Ocean Kayak Malibu II for "2 man" ... however it is a little too under capacity for my needs - it will not take 2 men over 200lb! Unfortunately, the bigger Malibu II XL is very big. He also likes the Cobra brand. This is my nutshell summary -- he goes into much more detail & of course it depends on what your specific needs. If you are small, perhaps the regular Scrambler or Frenzy (strangely popular here in the UK) might work? There are some angler/hunter-oriented models & variants that might tickle your fancy.

BTW you get a wet backside sitting on a sit-on kayak ... there are holes in the bottom to let water out and guess what...they let water in too!

A 15 year old with a budget for a kayak & a Riffe & living in Florida -- you are doing well (just don't mess it up by buying a house & getting married, and when you do buy a house and get married, don't have kids -- but when you do have kids - don't forget to take them kayaking & spearfishing! rofl )...and don't move away! ;) ...and when you get that beach front property in Florida, don't forget to invite your British spearing buddies over ;D

Let us know how you get on. We rented one for a couple of hours on holiday, it was fun.
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I have an ocean kayak Malibu II. It is great - very stable and room for three. However it's quite large and awkward for one person to haul around.
Re: Looking for a Dive Kayak That I can Spear From

Fondueset said:
I have an ocean kayak Malibu II. It is great - very stable and room for three. However it's quite large and awkward for one person to haul around.

Do you have the Malibu 2 XL version or the regular version? What is the heaviest load that you have carried? I weigh almost 240lb and my dive partner is significantly bigger than me -- so we are looking at a total load of 500lb+.

Is the middle position intended for an additional small child or is it just a more central position when the kayak has only one user?

Do you have any hatches? I see the divekayak site recommends at least one (fore of the paddler I believe(?)) -- and apparently they add weight. For example, Cobra's 2 seater is supposedly only 58lb (hardly more than a single seater) but the weight does not include hatches, back rests, etc..
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Re: Looking for a Dive Kayak That I can Spear From

Apologies, I put the wrong URL in my original post -- I have edited that posting (above) to correct it. The site in question was:

and "he" is Mark Theobald. he states his bias for Ocean Kayaks clearly here:

...but there is a contradictory opinion here:
[Same article, different format:
http://www.sonic.net/~rocky/kayaks.htm ]

Check out this page (note they have new models coming out regularly it seems):


You might want to check out the inflatible dive kayaks (sometimes found on ebay) & discussed here:
[ame="http://forums.deeperblue.net/showthread.php?t=37579"]Inflatable Kayak by Sevylor and spear shaft supplier[/ame]

This is the lightweight Cobra 2/3 seater of which I wrote (they claim the weight is 57lbs & the capacity is 600lb -- which is remarkable if true/realistic):

Other links:
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Re: Looking for a Dive Kayak That I can Spear From

FeAr_ThE_SpEaR said:
I need to find one for cheap I don't have THAT big of a budget Mr.X

I just got a quote for a Cobra Tandem (2/3 seater) -- 500 GBP for bare kayak. The essential extras (hatch, 2 paddles, 2 "essential" back rests) brought it upto 850 pounds (w/o dive flag, anchor or delivery) = 1,548.98 USD!!! rofl :waterwork [For that, I could buy a decent, fully equipped secondhand RIB (zodiac type dingy) or dorry (flat bottom fishing boat), I know that, because a pal just bought one :) ]

You can get Ocean Kayaks much cheaper than that in the UK though :) (I think Cobras are made in Hawaii -- a long way from here/anywhere :(). Pity, looked like it would be a good fit for my needs. So...Ocean Kayak Malibu II anybody?!

BTW A.B.Biller/SeaHornet or JBL are cheaper, more readily available than the Riffes & Wongs :p -- but not really in the same class by all accounts but fine to learn with (or indeed use for decades); I believe there is a muzzle/line modification fans recommend one does to SeaHornets though (check the forums for details & image). SeaHornets & JBLs are common on eBay...and new Riffe, especially metallechs. You might want to consider something like a big Rob Allen (e.g. say a 120-160cm, 2 band Tuna gun with & breakaway rig :p ), Rabitech or Omer (I think the Omer American series aims to be more Riffe-like by using wood). [From the forums here, it sounds like Rabitechs :p are cheaper in the US, esp. Florida/Hawaii, than in Europe -- they are hard to find & seem to price themselves out of the market here - try Finland with 22% VAT:(] The South Africans (Rob Allen & Rabitech) have fish every bit as big as Florida I believe.
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Re: Looking for a Dive Kayak That I can Spear From

Might also be worth checking out Hawaiian sites. I noticed that several spearos there use kayaks and catch good size fish. There are apparently several cool stores there including at least one on-line store that has an excellent selection.

I believe SA railguns are popular there, as an alternative to the expensive wood guns (Riffe, Wong) -- often customized (e.g. with an open muzzle (to make it more Riffe-like?*). I came across this URL on one of the forums (http://forums.deeperblue.net/showthread.php?t=53060):
*[...although I really don't see an obvious advantage to making this change (perhaps easier to load?). I believe at least 2 manufacturers (inc. RA) have tried this approach and apparently rejected it in favour of closed muzzle.]

...It has some cool images.

e.g. (note the paddles/kayaks & SA spearguns)
I use a Ocean Kayak Scrambler XT its worth looking at. Very stable good capacity & inexpensive.

I have a Riffe Island for sale brand new condition $390.00 located in
Ft. Lauderdale.
I have a Wilderness Systems Tarpon 140. It's pretty nice and seems especially designed for diving or fishing off of.
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I work as a kayak guide and paddle a lot of different boats. The ocean kayak scrambler is not your best choice. It's not as easy to get into from the water as others. Go to this site http://www.wildernesssystems.com/kayaks/sot.php
and look at the tarpon models. I have a tarpon 120 and love it. The 100 is nice too, just a little less storage and no adjustable foot pegs. I fish out of mine and I can tell you it is a great boat. The well behind the seat is molded to hold a 5 gal bucket or a milk create and have room left over. Either a bucket or create can be customized to hold what you want to take with you.

This boat http://www.mainstreamkayaks.com/boats/sportsmanseries/pages/kingfish-s.html is similar to the tarpon. I haven't paddled one but it looks like it would be about the same.

If you want an ocean kayak brand... They have some OK boats but small details that make a boat nice are lacking. Just my opinion...

Try and demo as many as you can and what ever you like before you buy if possible.
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