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looking for info on any NORCAL abalone and fish derby

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New Member
Feb 21, 2008
I'm looking for any info on any Norcal abalone and fish derby, sounds like a good time. Anyone whose done any before?
Heh i know you can sign up for it here in Eureka at Bucksport. i was thinking about jumping into the fray. It ought to be fun in anycase!

What is a abalone and fish derby? Sounds like a competition but don't you have severe bag limits on the Abs? Or is it a catch them and BBQ them day out?
There are really severe limits and regulations but in this case it is single entry, max size. not grab all you can. Every year it seems like the regulations get more irritating and arbitrary. But thats just my .02.

Ooo this isn't the same one i was talking about but this looks like alot of fun too. I may just have to attend this one.
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