Looking for advice on getting a monofin...
I have been trawling the previous posts on 'which monofin' and it seems theres a few to choose from, im hoping to find one that i can grow into, rather than a training fin. Unlike many of the previous posts that i have read on DB, i will use the monofin only in the sea, off the beach, probably never in a pool!
My currrent ideas are:
Waterways model 2 [sounds like a good training fin, but maybe not suitable off the beach?] http://www.waterwayfins.com/index.p...&category_id=4&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=4
Leaderfins mono black : Freediving monofins LF Black - Leaderfins
looks very cool and someone said it is comfortable for longer swims.
Waterways Feediver Nemo wing: Monofin «Feediver Nemo Wing»
full foot pockets apparently comfortable.
I would be grateful for any advice on the fins above, or suggestions for alternatives. I cant afford the X20 !
I have been trawling the previous posts on 'which monofin' and it seems theres a few to choose from, im hoping to find one that i can grow into, rather than a training fin. Unlike many of the previous posts that i have read on DB, i will use the monofin only in the sea, off the beach, probably never in a pool!
My currrent ideas are:
Waterways model 2 [sounds like a good training fin, but maybe not suitable off the beach?] http://www.waterwayfins.com/index.p...&category_id=4&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=4
Leaderfins mono black : Freediving monofins LF Black - Leaderfins
looks very cool and someone said it is comfortable for longer swims.
Waterways Feediver Nemo wing: Monofin «Feediver Nemo Wing»
full foot pockets apparently comfortable.
I would be grateful for any advice on the fins above, or suggestions for alternatives. I cant afford the X20 !