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Loreto, Baja Sur, Mexico - Mar 25- Apr 2

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Aug 16, 2008
Anyone else going to be in the area and want to split a panga for a day?


Hi RWC , I dont know if you know this but spearfishing is Illegal in Loreto :waterwork

check these guys out they should be able to point you in the right direction [ame=http://pistolerosdelmar.com/forumdisplay.php?f=51]Las Californias - Pistoleros Del Mar[/ame]

good luck on your trip ,,, Joe
Yes, thanks. Family trip and I plan to shoredive N and S of town, but also would like to get out past the islands.
Posted via Mobile Device
Sounds good RWC , look forward to reading your report .. Cheers ..Joe

Yes, thanks. Family trip and I plan to shoredive N and S of town, but also would like to get out past the islands.
Posted via Mobile Device
Loreto, Baja Sur - Accurate information

Hi Robert,

My wife and I live here in Loreto. It is true that spearfishing has been banned inside the marine part, but outside of the park there is phenomenal spearfishing easily accessible, both reefs and blue water.

Regarding Loreto, our town is quiet, safe, sane, secure... none of the border hysteria the media focuses on. You may want to check out this article from yesterdays New York Times titled "41 Places to Go in 2011"... Loreto is #8 on a pretty lofty list of world destinations.

Why don't you PM me (billder99@gmail.com) and let me know your plans. I will be happy to make suggestions on where to stay, where to eat, where to dive, etc... I know these waters very well. I have nice 26' panga set up for diving and fishing, and I may be able to take a day on the water with you.

Bill Doyle
home of TCC Construction, Baja Mexico's finest custom home builder and inspection contractor located in Loreto
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