This does sound to me as though it's an odd thing for freedive instructors to assert so strongly.
(If I heard this while on a course then I'd be interested to discover their references...)
I'm certainly not a medical expert, but here's my own understanding, from the reading that I've done, of how these things might work...
Blackout happens when the brain doesn't get the oxygen it needs. This is (cerebral) hypoxia. One reason for this, particularly from apnea, would be low O2 in the blood. This is known as hypoxemia, which is not quite the same thing as hypoxia (which is low O2 in body tissues, muscles, brain, etc.)
It is possible to have a reasonable level of O2 in the blood (i.e. not actually be hypoxemic), yet not enough of this blood getting to the brain - for example, due to vasoconstriction (as can happen when hyperventilating a lot), or due to some kind of cardiovascular problem (e.g. the heart not behaving in the right way to send that oxygen-rich blood around the body). So you can then suffer from some form of hypoxia without actually being hypoxemic.
OK, so with that basic terminology and overview out of the way, let's put this into more of the context of apnea & diving...
Freedivers talk a lot about hypoxia while probably actually thinking mostly of low O2 in the blood, i.e. hypoxemia - though that would typically lead to hypoxia, particularly in the context of apnea.
However, there are a couple of other things that don't get mentioned so much by freedivers that happen towards the end of, and for a while after, a strong breathhold. These are:
- reduction in cerebral blood-flow autoregulation (I'll shorten this to just "reduction of CBA")
- brady-arrhythmias (slow, irregular heartbeats)
I've left some links to a few refs at the end of the post (and it's easy to search for more), but here's an overview of these two things:
- CBA is what keeps the blood distributed & flowing evenly around your head/brain, despite rapid changes in blood pressure as the heart beats (diastolic vs systolic), and despite you moving your head around (i.e. inertial forces acting on the blood in the head/brain). An example of what happens when CBA doesn't quite do its job would be that light-headedness you might occasionally feel when you stand up quickly.
- Brady-arrhythmias can happen during and for a while after breathhold and are related to the bradycardia part of the diving response. (You might be aware of feeling such strong slow beats yourself sometimes after a long BH?) But the key thing is that these strong & slow heart beats mean that the blood is flowing even less uniformly than usual, with larger pressure changes.
The result of this combination of brady-arrhythmias along with the reduction in CBA means the danger of light-headedness and even blackout is further increased beyond what you would have just from hypoxemia itself – I suspect these two things may well be among the main reasons that a freediver can blackout even after several seconds of recovery breaths on the surface when you would expect that O2 should already be increasing back to normal.
So what are the causes of reduced CBA and brady-arrhythmias?
- Reduction of CBA can occur as a result of falling O2, both in the blood (i.e. hypoxemia) as well as in various tissues/muscles (i.e. hypoxia). But it is also affected by high CO2 (i.e. hypercapnia) even without that much hypoxemia/hypoxia.
- Bradycardia, which can lead to brady-arrhythmias, often occurs as part of the dive reflex simply from hypercapnia as well as from hypoxia/hypoxemia - though even more from both together. Brady-arrhythmias can be even stronger from dynamic apnea due to the tension between the dive response that wants to slow cardiac rate/output vs the use of muscles (finning/swimming) that wants to increase it. (This is a conflict between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.)
Consequently, I think reduced CBA plus brady-arrhythmias do mean there could be an increase in the
potential for BO from high CO2 by itself, without O2 being that low in the blood (i.e. being hypercapnic without being hypoxemic). Furthermore, I suspect the reduced CBA could mean that the rapid change in ambient pressure while ascending from depth might more easily lead to blood-flow problems in the brain.
However, as mentioned at the beginning, I think this all still fundamentally comes down to a lack of O2 supplied to the brain, i.e. cerebral hypoxia - it's just that the reason for this hypoxia isn't purely from being hypoxemic.
In conclusion, then, it seems like a surfacing freediver is subjected to the 'perfect storm' of potential hypoxemia, hypercapnia, reduced CBA, plus fluctuating blood-flow/pressure from arrhythmias and rapid pressure changes. Together these increase the chance that the probably already somewhat hypoxemic blood (esp. from rapid drop in partial pressure of O2 in the lungs lowering its diffusion into the blood) will not reach some critical part of the brain, causing cerebral hypoxia, and potentially leading to blackout.
Hopefully that makes sense!
(Maybe someone with a proper medical background in these kinds of areas can verify that my understanding of this is reasonably correct...)
Check out these refs to find out more about CBA (second one below is particularly related to apnea):
For information about brady-arrhythmias from apnea, see the following:
Introduction: The cardiac electrical conduction system is very sensitive to hypoglycemia and hypoxia, and the consequence may be brady-arrythmias. Weddell seals endure brady-arrythmias during their dives when desaturating to 3.2 kPa and elite ...
The incidence and nature of cardiac arrhythmias during static apnea were studied by monitoring the electrocardiogram (ECG) and oxygen saturation (SaO2) of 16 recreational breath-hold divers. All subjects completed a maximal apnea with a mean (±SD) breath-hold duration of 281 (±73) s without...