Your flaw is assuming that RV is related to squeeze. It’s not lung volume that causes squeeze. It’s negative pressure. That makes it more complicated. For trachea squeeze causing spitting of blood, it is ambient minus airway pressure Pamb – Paw. For smaller airways and alveoli inside the chest getting pulmonary edema, it is intrathoracic (pleural) minus airway pressure Pp – Paw. You need to know your lung and chest compliance curves to quantify. Blood shift helps relieve the pressure difference. This depends on stiffness of the chest vasculature including heart chambers, vena cava, aorta, and lung vessels. There are many variables.
Residual volume is meaningless on a dive. It’s a dry land definition based on ability of your expiratory muscles to expel air against increasing chest stiffness. It has no real meaning underwater because you don’t use your expiratory muscles. However it does roughly indicate stiffness of the chest/diaphragm at low volumes, but it’s not a hard limit, and it’s too simplistic. Lungs don’t have a residual volume. That’s a chest wall property.
You need to look at pressure changes. Here are some calculations assuming your packed TLC of 7.6 litres plugged into a model that includes all of the above properties. VL = lung volume, Paw = airway pressure in cm H2O relative to ambient, BS = blood shift in litres relative to that at dry land FRC:
...... VL Paw BS
Dry 2.73 0 0.00
Imm 1.88 0 0.54
Pack 7.60 69 0.07
10 m 4.08 16 0.12
20 m 2.74 6 0.21
30 m 2.03 0 0.33
40 m 1.64 -4 0.44
60 m 1.16 -8 0.60
100 m 0.75 -12 0.78
Simple water immersion already causes 0.54 litres blood shift into the chest, but packing almost reverses this due to high Paw. Airway pressure drops to zero at 30 m, roughly at the depth where lung volume drops to immersed surface FRC, but with a small blood shift. You reach RV at 40 m where airway pressure is –4. This is not very negative, but you will feel it. Airway pressure obviously becomes more negative deeper, and this depends on stiffness of the chest/diaphragm. Because the compliance curve is fairly flat here, there can be considerable pressure drop for a small volume change, then compliance of the blood vessels becomes important. Negative airway pressure will exceed these values if you are stiff or tense.
The pressure limit resulting in squeeze injury is anyone’s guess because negative pressure tolerance is not generally known. That is a property of tissue stress and vascular permeability. There are probably other factors like muscle tension, contractions, neck movement, body twisting, etc. that pull more negative airway pressures.