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Mackeral pate

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Old Hippy
May 13, 2007
I'm not giving precise quantities for this recipe as it varies depending on taste and how wet the fish are if you washed them. All seafish are better washed in the sea before you come home if possible.Fresh water can ruin them.
Put 6 or 8 mackeral in a lightly oiled or nonstick dish and put in the oven until cooked. Meanwhile, finely chop a small onion and a chilli, if liked, and leave to soak in the juice of a lemon.[This takes the rawness off the onion].
When fish has cooled, flake and mix with the onion and maybe some of the fish juices from the oven dish.
Add mayonnaise and/or yoghourt to make a pate consistency, at the same time adding more seasoning and lemon to taste.
My wife would like to point out that this is her recipe and I shouldn't take the credit for it.
[Nice on hot toast or in sandwiches]
The lemon will kill the strength of the mackeral taste, too. Good recipe, that wife, much like tuna salad only fresher.
Sounds like it will work well with our snoek aswell. Almost the same as cuda...
Many thanks to your wife mate :chatup :)
Great reciped - I want to try it. Like the idea of using yoghurt rather than mayo. too. My compliments to your wife! Must make a point to do some mackeral fishing this summer (the fishing plans have gone to pot with all the rain then sickness during the best weather!).

Didn't realise that washing in fresh water is bad (kind of makes sense, removal of soluble salts/chemicals/vitamins/...) -- I often clean the fish in the sea but always wash (& often soak) them once home (usually in salted water). Must give that a try. I have been disappointed by the lack of taste of some of the mackeral we've had recently (actually the flavour seems to vary a lot in strength) - unfortunately most, of it being market bought, really needs to be cleaned at home.
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We had some delicious tasting mackeral at the end of last year. Big, plump, oily and delicious and no doubt full of winter oils (apparently fish often have twice as much oil & omega3 in the winter than in the summer, 18% vs. 9% I think). However, the mackeral we are getting now is pretty ordinary again - I guess the winter reserves have been used up.
Mr. X at least you getting mackeral, They still havent come into torbay properly yet so the fishing rods are tucked away waiting to unleash the rath that is mackie bashing.

Ps. mackeral pate sounds GREAT
Mr. X at least you getting mackeral, They still havent come into torbay properly yet so the fishing rods are tucked away waiting to unleash the rath that is mackie bashing.

Ps. mackeral pate sounds GREAT
:eek:Most of our mackeral come from the fishmonger at the local market. Although we did get 3 from Abbotsbury in Dorset (not too far from you guys) last week.
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