Okay so there's probably been posts about this before, but I'd like to try make my own monofin. Any ideas as to what the basic principles of a good mono are? I've got a few ideas, like:
*Tapering off the blade from finpockets to tip.
*Layering the composite so the blade bends with the correct orientation - no 'spilling' of water off the sides.
*Perhaps an angle in the blade so it sits more parallel to the long axis of the freediver.
Any other ideas, and anyone tackled a project like this before? Í'm thinking of casting a footpocket mould off my feet anf then using that...
*Tapering off the blade from finpockets to tip.
*Layering the composite so the blade bends with the correct orientation - no 'spilling' of water off the sides.
*Perhaps an angle in the blade so it sits more parallel to the long axis of the freediver.
Any other ideas, and anyone tackled a project like this before? Í'm thinking of casting a footpocket mould off my feet anf then using that...