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Maltese Falcon

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Apr 28, 2008
Hi Guys,
I live on a rock floating in the middle of the meditteranean called Malta.I do scubadiving and spearfishing.I`m here to learn from you freediving techniques so I can spend more time underwater.
Hi Aussie,
Gday to you.Yes it really is a good place for info.May I take the opportunity to also contribute with an idea.I'm saddened with the news of this week's shark attacks,the swimmer who lost his life in San Diego,CA.and the 18 year old who was bitten when trying to get back on a surfbboard.It's many years since we had a fatal accident here in Malta but it is also true that the biggest greatwhite was caught in maltese waters.Having tuna fishfarms around the island gives me the impression that this might attract sharks.It did happen that when I was scubadiving in certain places I felt uncomfortable and that is the last thing I want when I'm doing something I enjoy doing.Iwanted to solve the problem and decided to get myself the shark shield.This is an Aussie product !! developed in SA by Natal Sharks Board of South Africa.The technology has been reinforced by years of use by professional and recreational divers throughout the world.The shark shield is suitable for use by snorklers,swimmers,surfers and scuba divers.I must confess that I do a lot of diving on my own and it feels good to have some protection
I hope I have been of some help
Kind Regards
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