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Mango Mahi Tango

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Spear, cook, and eat fish
May 17, 2008
Recipe to be presented at Aransas Pass Shrimp-o-ree this year:

1/3 lb skinned Mahi fillet per person
1/3 ld P & D shrimp (peeled & deveined)
1/2 cup diced mangos per fillet (jarred okay) use juice
1 cup pico de gallo (medium heat) per fillet
1 14-15 oz can mixed tropical fuit per 2 fillets
1 small can pineapple chunks
1/4 cup Chenin blanc wine
light olive oil to bottom of pan (large skillet)

Hot red spice - your favorite cajun, Old Bay, etc.

Coat bottom of skillet with oil. Heat to med-high. Sear Mahi both sides. Add all fruit & pico. Fruit juice should just cover fillets. Allow to begin boiling and reduce heat to simmer. Add wine. Add shrimp. Simmer 10 minutes or until shrimp makes a "C" (cooked). Serve over rice.

Enjoy! agbiv - Chef Al:friday
Forgat to add to dust the top of fish-n-fruit lightly w/ spice after plating up. More spice more heat. Chef Al rofl
Drat! Mrs. Sarge can't eat mango. Hmmmmm . . . I'll bet you could get a "resonable facsimile" using peaches . . .
Sarge: Papaya can be added/used as well. Chef Al:friday
Sorry Al, but because of her latex allergies, all the tropicals are out, except for pinapple. And come to think of it, that might work too. Hmmm . . .
Just served this up at Aransas Pass Texas Shrimp-o-ree Festival and was a great hit. I served enough for about 200 small sample servings. :friday
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