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MARES cyrano OR medisten 70cm??

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New Member
Jun 13, 2006
I decided to go for one of these two airguns but i'm confused on which one to get.
The price difference is around 20%.
As for the guns i know that the cyrano has 7mm shaft and the sten 8mm.
I also thing that the cyrano has 11mm chamber and the sten 13mm.
Can anyone give me info on how they perform?
It will be my first gun so i prefer 700 series, 70cm.
hallo, straight to the point:
Medisten would be my choice for a 70cm, Cyrano for a longer size.

--Correct what you say: the main technical difference is in chamber and shaft. So the Cyrano shoots smoother and "cleaner", while the Medisten gives more "punch" with its heavy 8mm shaft.
The choice depends on the kind of hunting: if you plan to perform mainly a rock and hole hunting, Medisten is slightly better. While for a mixed hunting, a Cyrano is better (but consider that a 70 will not give you a long range).

--About Medisten, a gun I really love (I use a 75cm Medisten Competition model since 1993), you may also read this thread: it shows my passionate attempt to convince a californian friend to buy one for rock and hole. But I did not convince him.

I have the Cyrano 700 and the 850. I love them. What do you want to know about them exactly?
I want to know what are the differences in power and range of shooting??
I thought of it for a while and seam to be focusing on cyrano model mostly and thinking on 700 or 850 for first gun.One that won't make me regret it.
If it's a big difference between them then i guess i'll go for the 850 since i can always reduse the power when close to rocks and a 85cm gun isn't bigger than an 75cm band gun which is said to be OK for "rock" hunting.

Is the visibility good? If so id go for the 850. I like the 850 better when the water is more clear. I use the 700 more though because vis is so bad.

I answered to your questions with many details but I cannot find my message....

maybe I simply did something wrong....

did you receive it or didn't I post it at all?

now I realise what happened.........

I answered to another place, therefore you'll find there the replies to your questions
